Hey Everyone! So I wasn't able to get a post up last week because I got home from visiting family rather late, plus, didn't really have anything done to show for that week either. This week was a little more productive, and I'm pretty close to having this batch of guys done! Also, I'm really excited about all these Tau releases coming out right now, it's just a shame that I can't get any while I'm still saving up for the wedding. But I will be able to get the Codex at least, so once I get my hands on that, I'll have to get my Tau into a battle!
Jumping into my progress this week, I've pretty much finished the blue ink part of my last Carnifex. I might do one more coat, or start the light blue high lights, I'm undecided at the moment. I also need to continue the highlights on the Tyranocyte.
Next, I've made great progress with my Imperial forces. My Space Marine Bike Captain is now done, aside from the base which I'm doing for all my recently finished marines now that I picked up some more Armageddon Dust texture paint. As for my Guard, I'm just down to the skin and some minor detail work on all three. They should be done this week!
Then, onto my Necrons. I started putting the back cockpit walls together and painting them. Once this part is done, I can do up the gold detail work and begin working on the embarked warriors. I'm feeling good about getting some of these older projects moving again.
And finally, Tau. I'm still base coating the Razor Shark fighter. So not much progress there. I've also nearly finished the black ink phase for the battlesuit and will be moving on to the orange detail phase soon.
So that's the progress this week. I'm back to work tomorrow, so I'll have to see how much time and energy I have to hobby this week. But I'm very excited about all the new Tau releases and that's making me pumped to get stuff done and clear the board for new Tau models once I've got the wedding paid for! Until next week!
Czar Ziggy