Hey Everyone! This week was really good for clearing stuff off my project board. It seemed like a lot of the models I was working on all came to completion around the same time! No less than five models left the table completed this week! Which makes me excited because in some cases, new playing abilities are available and in another way, I can start working on more new models! So lets see whats been done this week!
First up, I finished the last of the first 4 Termagants for my Tyranids. I was then torn if I wanted to do the next batch of 4 of start the last Carnifex. Well, I went with the Carnifex. I was just a little more interested in getting him started, so I took an evening and set him up. Now I've done the grey base coat, and I've done the first ink wash.
Next, I finished my third and final Tomb Blade. This is great because finally, they are all done! Now I can put together a proper Decurrion Detachment, and I can start to look towards which other formations I want to start setting up, because I'm only a kit or two away from having some available. Also, Almost done the black ink wash on the metal of the Ghost ark and I've cut out the next bits to start working on.
Then, Tau. With a new codex likely inbound for the end of the month, I wanted to start getting more of them done. I might start the Razor Shark Fighter this week, but I did get my last of six Broadside battlesuits done, and I've now got the full Fire Base Support Cadre ready and game ready! Also, I finished the first of three Crisis suits for my Enclaves forces.
Finally, the forces of the Imperium. The next two guardsmen are done. One regular rifle men and one Vox holder for the Scions. Next, I've got three more guys built, the final Vox operator for the Scions and a Vox and regular rifle men for the veterans / platoon. I also finally did a little more work on the Space Marine bike captain. Got him on a base and did some gold trim work this week.
All in all, I'm excited about this progress and with only one more week of work until my next week of vacation, I'll hopefully have the time to start motoring through some of the back log. Since I'm trying to not buy anymore kits until after my wedding next year, my goal is to complete everything I've got and then be ready to expand my forces with more of an idea what formations and such I will need kits to complete. Plus catch up on some of the great stuff I still haven't had a chance to get yet!
Until next week!