Battle Report: 1,750 pts Tyranids Vs. Astra Militarum

The twin suns were high in the sky over the planet of Ixis XII. Fast winds whipped over the desolate landscape and carried with them a foul odor indicating that the planet was near death. The Imperial forces that were stationed on this research world were trapped in a desperate battle for their very lives as a near by tendril of a Tyranid Hive Fleet descended upon the world.

The defense of Ixis XII had been going poorly. A smaller world, compared to that of the others in the system, meant that the reinforcements were being sent to more "important" battle grounds. This left the garrison on the planet to fight desperately for their lives as the swarm advanced on their positions. In an attempt to halt the advance of the Tyranid swarm, a detachment of Guardsmen were sent out to Research Station XCP-21to try and configure it into a bastion. However, the Tyranids were already advancing towards the station and time was of the essence!

Points: 1750
Mission Type: Maelstrom of War #2: Contact Lost (Mysterious Objectives, Tactical Objectives, Night Fighting, Reserves)
Deployment Type: Hammer and Anvil
Winner of Roll: Astra Militarum (Chose to go first)
Seize the Initiative: Yes (Tyranids go first!)
Night Fighting: No

+++ 1750pt Astra Militarum: Codex (2014) Roster (Combined Arms Detachment)) +++

+ No Force Org Slot + (75pts)
- Primaris Psyker (75pts) 
(Independent Character, It's for Your Own Good, Psychic Discipline: Pyromancy)
Flak Armour, Force Staff, Frag Grenades, Laspistol, Psyker Mastery Level 2 (25pts) (Psyker (Mastery Level 2)), Refractor Field

+ HQ + (123pts)
- Company Command Squad (123pts)
Flak Armor
* Company Commander (21pts)  (War Lord)
(Senior Officer, Voice of Command),Bolt Pistol (1pts), Carapace Armour (5pts), Frag Grenades, Orders (Orders: Bring it Down!, Orders: Fire on my Target!, Orders: First Rank, FIRE! Second Rank, FIRE!, Orders: Forwards, for the Emperor!, Orders: Get Back in the Fight!, Orders: Move! Move! Move!, Orders: Smite at Will!, Orders: Suppressive Fire!, Orders: Take Aim!), Power Sword (15pts), Refractor Field, Warlord (*, Warlord Trait: Grand Strategist - Nominate D3 units; these gain Outflank)
* Master of Ordnance (20pts) 
Artillery Bombardment (*), Close Combat Weapon, Flak Armour, Frag Grenades
* Veteran w/ Lasgun
Frag Grenades, Lasgun
* Veteran w/ Medi-pack (15pts) 
Frag Grenades, Lasgun, Medi-pack (Feel No Pain)
* Veteran w/ Sniper Rifle (2pts) 
Frag Grenades, Sniper Rifle
* Veteran w/ Vox-caster (5pts) 
Frag Grenades, Lasgun, Vox-caster

+ Elites + (230pts)
- Ogryns (230pts) 
(Hammer of Wrath, Stubborn, Very Bulky)
* Chimera (100pts) 
(Amphibious, Mobile Command Vehicle), Camo Netting (15pts), Heavy Flamer, Hunter-killer Missile (10pts), 2x Lasgun Arrays, Multi-laser, Pintle-mounted Heavy Stubber (5pts), Recovery Gear (5pts), Searchlight, Smoke Launchers
* 2x Ogryn (80pts) 
2x Flak Armour, 2x Frag Grenades, 2x Ripper Gun
* Ogryn Bone 'ead
Flak Armour, Frag Grenades, Ripper Gun

+ Troops + (451pts)
- Veterans (Squad: Cryptaris) (110pts) 
Forward Sentries (10pts) (Doctrine: Forward Sentries), Camo Gear for Squad, Snare Mines for Squad Grenadiers (15pts) (Doctrine: Grenadiers), Carapace Armour for Squad
* Veteran Sergeant
Close Combat Weapon, Frag Grenades, Laspistol
* 2x Veteran w/ Flamer (10pts) 
2x Flamer, 2x Frag Grenades
* Veteran w/ Heavy Flamer (10pts) 
Frag Grenades, Heavy Flamer
* 5x Veteran w/ Lasgun
5x Frag Grenades, 5x Lasgun
* Veteran w/ Vox-caster (5pts) 
Frag Grenades, Lasgun, Vox-caster

- Veterans (Squad: Osiris) (131pts) 
Forward Sentries (10pts) (Doctrine: Forward Sentries), Camo Gear for Squad, Snare Mines for Squad Grenadiers (15pts) (Doctrine: Grenadiers), Carapace Armour for Squad
* Veteran Sergeant (26pts) 
Bolter (1pts), Frag Grenades, Power Fist (25pts)
* 3x Veteran w/ Grenade Launcher (15pts) 
3x Frag Grenades, 3x Grenade Launcher
* 5x Veteran w/ Lasgun
5x Frag Grenades, 5x Lasgun
* Veteran w/ Vox-caster (5pts) 
Frag Grenades, Lasgun, Vox-caster

- Veterans (Squad: Amaria) (105pts) 
Forward Sentries (10pts) (Doctrine: Forward Sentries), Camo Gear for Squad, Snare Mines for Squad Grenadiers (15pts) (Doctrine: Grenadiers), Carapace Armour for Squad
* Veteran Sergeant
Close Combat Weapon, Frag Grenades, Laspistol
* 3x Veteran w/ Grenade Launcher (15pts) 
3x Frag Grenades, 3x Grenade Launcher
* 5x Veteran w/ Lasgun
5x Frag Grenades, 5x Lasgun
* Veteran w/ Vox-caster (5pts) 
Frag Grenades, Lasgun, Vox-caster

- Veterans (Squad: Goliath) (105pts) 
Forward Sentries (10pts) (Doctrine: Forward Sentries),Camo Gear for Squad, Snare Mines for Squad Grenadiers (15pts) (Doctrine: Grenadiers), Carapace Armour for Squad
* Veteran Sergeant
Close Combat Weapon, Frag Grenades, Laspistol
* 3x Veteran w/ Flamer (15pts) 
3x Flamer, 3x Frag Grenades
* 5x Veteran w/ Lasgun
5x Frag Grenades, 5x Lasgun
* Veteran w/ Vox-caster (5pts) 
Frag Grenades, Lasgun, Vox-caster

+ Heavy Support + (401pts)
- Leman Russ Squadron (183pts) 
* Exterminator (183pts) 
2x Heavy Bolter (20pts), Camo Netting (15pts), Fire Barrels (10pts), Heavy Bolter, Recovery Gear (5pts), Relic Plating (3pts) (Adamantium Will), Searchlight, Smoke Launchers, Turret-mounted Exterminator Autocannon

- Leman Russ Squadron (218pts) 
* Executioner (218pts) 
2x Multi-meltas (20pts), Camo Netting (15pts), Fire Barrels (10pts), Lascannon (10pts), Recovery Gear (5pts), Relic Plating (3pts) (Adamantium Will), Searchlight, Smoke Launchers, Turret-mounted Executioner Plasma Cannon

+ Allied Detachment + (375pts)
- Imperial Knight Paladin (375pts)
Heavy Stubber, Rapid-fire Battle Cannon, Reaper Chainsword, Ion Shield

+++ 1750pt Tyranids: Codex (2014) Roster (Combined Arms Detachment)) +++

+ HQ + (360pts)
- Tyranid Prime (140pts) (War Lord)
(Alpha Warrior, Independent Character, Shadow in the Warp, Synapse Creature, Very Bulky)
Boneswords (15pts), Scything Talons, Warlord (*, Warlord Trait: Innate Understanding - The Warlord, and any unit it joins, has the Preferred Enemy.)

- Tervigon (220pts)
(Brood Progenitor, Shadow in the Warp, Spawn Termagants, Synapse Creature, Synaptic Backlash)
Crushing Claws (15pts), Electroshock Grubs (10pts), Powers of the Hive Mind (*), Psyker (Mastery Level 1) (Psyker), Stinger Salvo

+ Elites + (295pts)
- Maleceptor (205pts)
(Psychic Barrier, Shadow in the Warp, Synapse Creature)
Psyker (Mastery Level 2) (Psychic Powers, Psyker), Scything Talons

- Venomthrope Brood (45pts)
* Venomthrope (45pts)
(Instinctive Behaviour - Lurk, Poisoned (2+), Shrouded, Spore Cloud, Very Bulky)
Lashwhips, Toxic Miasma

- Venomthrope Brood (45pts)
* Venomthrope (45pts)
(Instinctive Behaviour - Lurk, Poisoned (2+), Shrouded, Spore Cloud, Very Bulky)
Lashwhips, Toxic Miasma

+ Troops + (210pts)
- Tyranid Warrior Brood (105pts)
* Tyranid Warrior (35pts)
(Shadow in the Warp, Synapse Creature, Very Bulky)
Rending Claws (5pts), Scything Talons
* Tyranid Warrior (35pts)
(Shadow in the Warp, Synapse Creature, Very Bulky)
Rending Claws (5pts), Scything Talons
* Tyranid Warrior (35pts)
(Shadow in the Warp, Synapse Creature, Very Bulky)
Rending Claws (5pts), Scything Talons

- Tyranid Warrior Brood (105pts)
* Tyranid Warrior (35pts)
(Shadow in the Warp, Synapse Creature, Very Bulky)
Rending Claws (5pts), Scything Talons
* Tyranid Warrior (35pts)
(Shadow in the Warp, Synapse Creature, Very Bulky)
Rending Claws (5pts), Scything Talons
* Tyranid Warrior (35pts)
(Shadow in the Warp, Synapse Creature, Very Bulky)
Rending Claws (5pts), Scything Talons

+ Fast Attack + (140pts)
- Harpy (140pts)
(Fearless, Instinctive Behaviour - Hunt, Living Bomb, Sonic Screech, Spore Burst)
Twin-linked Heavy Venom cannon (5pts)

+ Heavy Support + (745pts)
- Carnifex Brood (310pts)
* Carnifex (155pts)
(Fearless, Instinctive Behaviour - Feed, Living Battering Ram)
Bio-plasma (20pts), Crushing Claws (15pts), Scything Talons
* Carnifex (155pts)
(Fearless, Instinctive Behaviour - Feed, Living Battering Ram)
Bio-plasma (20pts), Crushing Claws (15pts), Scything Talons

- Trygon Prime (245pts)
(Deep Strike, Fleet, Shadow in the Warp, Subterranean Assault, Synapse Creature)
Adrenal Glands (15pts), Bio-electric Pulse with Containment Spines, 2x Scything Talons

- Tyrannofex (190pts)
(Fearless, Instinctive Behaviour - Hunt)
Electroshock Grubs (10pts), Fleshborer Hive (5pts), Stinger Salvo

Imperial Deployment

Tyranids Deployment
Turn 1:

The spawned brood of Termagants advances.
As if the Tyranids knew of their opponent's plans, they seized the initiative to overrun the research base and deny their prey it's defensive options. This swarm was lead by a very cunning Tyranid Prime, who marshaled a mass of larger Tyranid beasts to assail the Imperial's position. Commanding his Warriors to hold defensive positions on either flank of the station, he then willed the large attack beasts to advance around the base's walls to confront the advancing Imperial force. A Tyranofex and Tervigon came around one side of the base to advance on the Guard's right flank which contained the most fire power from the Guard, a Leman Russ Executioner and a Knight Paladin. On the other side, a Maleceptor and a brood of two Carnifexes advanced on the other flank, ready to chase down a lone Leman Russ Exterminator and a squad of veterans. The Maleceptor tried to use it's Psychic Overload to kill the tank crew, however, the Primaris Psyker in the force was aware of such tactics used by Tyranids, and had the tanks outfitted with an old Relic plating armour, preventing the power from affecting the crew. The backlash from the field was so strong, that it caused the Maleceptor to suffer a mental purge, causing it to forget how to use it's Psychic Overload. On the other side of the station, the Tervigon spawned a brood of 13 Termagants, but in the process, had tapped the last of it's eggs to hatch more Termagants. Willing them forwards, it created a shield between itself and the Tyranofex from the Imperial forces. The distance was to vast however for any of the Tyranid forces to fire their weapons so they chose to run towards the Guard!

The conflict begins!
Commander Drasil Natak was in a desperate spot. He could see the filthy Xenos beasts moving around the station's compound. He knew that it would be a difficult matter to bring down the large Tyranids and that he did not have a lot of fire power at his disposal, expecting more of a hoard of little beast, rather than a group of large ones. From his vantage point in some near by ruins, he gave the orders to the Leman Russ tanks to move out and take on the advancing hoard. The Imperial Knight Paladin that was attached to his battle group put out some covering fire as it turned it's massive battle cannon towards the Tyranofex. One of the shots connected with a bone crunching smash, blasting a large hole in the creatures back, but not slowing it down. Squad Cryptaris formed up with the Leman Russ Exterminator on the left flank and marched forwards with it, providing close support. Squad Amaria took up a defensive position in the woods on the right flank, hunkering down, waiting for the Termagant rush that was to come. Goliath and Osiris squads charged forwards to the station to try and get inside to better defend against the coming swarm. The Primaris Psyker and his Ogryn left their Chimera and also added their fire power to the fry, hoping to do some damage against the advancing Tyranofex.

The Harpy enters the air space!
Turn 2:

The Tyranid Prime sensed an opportunity. With the Primaris Psyker out of it's transport, he was vulnerable, and so willed the Tyranofex to advance towards him. He also could sense where the enemy commander was, and decided to go for the head of the enemy. Willing a Trygon Prime, with it's sheer power, to burst from the ground not far from the ruins where the commander was hunkered down. The Trygon let out a shriek as it channeled it's bio-electric energy through it's containment spines and unleashed the raw energy at the command squad, cooking to a crisp a veteran who jumped in the way to protect the commander. The Termagants unleashed their fleshborer bettles at the Ogryns, in unison with the Tyranofex's fleshborer hive, killing one of the Ogryn on the spot. Then the Tyranofex charged forwards to trample his prey aided by the scuttling Termagants. Overhead, a Harpy joined the battle and dropped a cluster of spore mines on top of the hapless Guardsmen, causing them to duck for cover, though some didn't make it in time. Meanwhile, The Carnifex brood continued their advance towards the Leman Russ and Cryptis squad.

The ambush is set!
The Primaris Psyker knew he didn't stand a chance against the massive Tyranofex and it's scuttling brood as it cut down another of the Ogryn. So, dodging each blow, he lead the remaining Ogryn away, back towards the tree line where squad Amaria was waiting along with the Leman Russ Executioner and the Knight Paladin. A carefully laid ambush to catch the beasts. While over on the other side of the battlefield, Commander Natak and his squad were desperately trying to hide in cover from the Trygon Prime's onslaught. He called in support from the near by Leman Russ Exterminator, and had his Master of Ordnance call in a danger close artillery bombardment. The fire power connected, but not much damage was done to the mighty beast. Squads Goliath and Osiris continued to advance on the station, but Goliath squad tucked against some of the defensive lines, and prepared to set an ambush of their own against the surging swarm.

Fire support is called in!
Turn 3:

Cryptis prepares to sell their lives dearly!
The Tyranofex could sense more targets in the trees ahead. With almost a feeling of blood lust, it charged towards the tree line looking to make short work of the prey hiding within. All the while, the Carnifex brood finally were close enough to their prey, Cryptis squad, to unleash plasma bolts from their fanged mouths. The blasts tore into the squad killing a few of the men. The Termagants began to run head long towards the tree line as well, trying to follow the massive Tyranofex, while the Harpy continued to drop spore mines and harass near by vehicles with it's Venom Cannon shards. The Maleceptor sneaked it's way into the base, looking to lay in wait for the advancing Guardsmen. With a blood curdling screech, the Trygon Prime smashed into the ruins, looking to devour it's prey.

The Knight takes it's pound of flesh!
The Commander was now fighting for his life as the massive Trygon was smashing into the ruins where he and his squad were taking refuge. Using every option available, he tried to push the beast back. However, more of his men were swallowed whole as the Trygon continued it's attack. Squad Cryptis didn't fare much better as the two Carnifexs had charged into their position and they couldn't stop their advance. They were wiped out almost to the last man as the hulkish beasts scythed and crushed them in a bloody slaughter. Cryptis Squad's Sargent survived, but was so horrified that he began to flee for his life, being chased by the two Carnifexs. The ambush set on the right flank however, proved more deadly against the Tyranids. The Knight Paladin moved into the woods and began to hack at the Tyranofex, gravely wounding it, while Goliath squad unleashed a wall of flame against the Termagants, cutting them down before they could do any more damage. The Leman Russ Executioner, along with the Chimera, began to advance towards the Tyranids lines, hoping to hunt down the enemy leader beast, and cull the rest of the force. Unfortunately, the one casualty from the ambush against the Tyranids was the Primaris Psyker, who when he went to add his psychic might to the ambush, was consumed by the strength of the hive mind and suffered a massive hemorrhage, killing him on the spot.

Cryptis' Sargent knows when it's time to flee!
Turn 4:

With Cryptis squads demise, the Carnifexs moved on to their next target, the Leman Russ Exterminator. With plasma bolts, then claws and talons, they smashed into the tank. Trying to make the beasts work for their meal, the crew managed to bring down one of the beast with a last minuet barrage as they closed the gap for the charge. Osiris' Sargent watched this with horror as well and fled the battle field, most likely to spread the fearful tale of the onslaught. The Maleceptor could sense that Osiris squad was along the outer walls of the station, and set his ambush into motion, bursting through the walls and charging into the surprised squad. Meanwhile, the Tyranofex, badly injured, tried to moved off from the woods, but was savagely cut down by the Imperial Knight. Meanwhile, the Trygon finally finished off his prey, devouring the enemy commander, but not before the Commander could cause some injuries. Setting it's sights on to the rest of the battle field, it began to select it's next victim.

Osiris gets mauled!
With the complete loss of their command structure, the Guard were scrambling. The Imperial Knight quickly took control of the situation, moving towards the besieged Osiris squad. With a quick swing of his Chainsword,  he cut the Maleceptor in two, though not before the creature had badly mauled Osiris. The remaining vehicles continued their surge into enemy territory, but could not fell any of the beasts holding the ground.

Turn 5:

The Tyranid Prime knew, that if they could eliminate the Imperial Knight, that the rest of the forces could be swept aside. The Knight had suffered some damage already in it's fights against the Tyranofex and the Maleceptor. The Prime reasoned that if it's remaining monstrous beasts could engage it, they might have a chance of defeating it. Willing the Trygon and the Carnifex to advance, the Prime knew this would be the final and decisive blow against his foe.

The Knight could see the large beasts advancing towards it. Not deterred by the creatures, the Knight galloped over to the nearest beasts, the wounded Trygon. The Knight believed that he held the upper hand going into the confrontation, but sadly, his confidence was miss placed. Before he could swing his mighty Chainsword to slay another large beast, the Trygon struck out, clamping it's might bulk to the Knight and smashing it to the ground. The sheer force of the hit broke the Knight to pieces, and the Trygon devoured it's pilot after ripping off it's top hatch with it's fangs. With the last of the Imperial forces strongest weapons defeated, it was not long before the rest of the force was consumed by the Tyranids, the station lost to the advancing swarm.