The Weekly Round-Up: Nov 1

Hey Everyone! So, a good week for painting for me this week. I finished off a bunch of the models on the project board this week. Also, with the last 6 regular guardsmen done, my Imperial Guard army is now a playable force as a primary detachment! Also, picked up my new Tau Codex this week, and do I have plans! And, I got an early Christmas gift from my housemate in the form of a new light box, so now I have better looking pictures to show everything off with! So let's get into my progress this week.

First, my Imperial forces. As I mentioned, I finished the last six guardsmen, completing my second troop choice of ten veterans. Now, with either my Lord Commissar or my Company Command squad, I can now field a basic C.A.D (Combined Arms Detachment). So I'm super excited about that. Now, all I have left for my Guard force is the 15 Scions and the one Taurox Prime from my battle set to complete, which I've started two new Scions today. As for my Marines, I'm almost done my last Devastator squad member, which will also end all my Marine projects for now.

Next, I've finished of my Tyranids and Tau models from last week. For Tyranids, I'm now down to my Spore Pod and 8 Termagants, while for Tau, just one Battle suit and the Razor Shark Fighter.

Then, my Necrons. Did a little more work on the Ghost Ark this week. I'm almost done the last detail work, then I'll begin working on the passengers. Once the Ark is done, I'll just have one box of Necron Warriors to complete.

And finally, I've been working on my buddies stuff again this week. This week, I've done some more work on the torso of the Imperial Knight, and I've started working on the Fire Storm Redoubt. I've just been inspired to work on them this week, and we'll see how far I get.

Otherwise, having had a chance to look through the new Tau Codex this weekend, I've got some plans on where I would like to grow my Tau army next. I'm excited about the new Retaliation Cadre formation, as this basically rewards me for running my army the way I do, with deep striking battlesuits. Now I just get a bunch of bonuses for doing so. Also, I'll want to get a Ghost Keel stealth suit, because frankly, it's a beautiful model, and I'll need one if I want to run an Optimized Stealth Cadre. I'm glad I have enough to run a full Hunter Contingent with all that I own, and I have many options already available to me, unlike with Necrons or Space Marines, both of which are still very small armies in my collection compared to my Tau forces. So now I'm making lists for what I'll be after next, and when I've got the funds, I'll know what to get.

Until next week.

Czar Ziggy