Hey Everyone! I've got some exciting news. There is going to be another battle report done up this week. Unfortunately, probably the last one for 2015, but it was a good match. I got a 1750 pts match yesterday in with my Tyranids against my buddies Astra Militrium with Knight allies. It was a good fight, and you can look forwards to the battle report being up sometime this week. As for painting progress, I still got a few things done, however, the focus this week was getting that Imperial Knight done so I could return it to my friend's collection. So let's recap!
First up this week, forces of the Imperium. I finished the Imperial Knight. This now gives my friend three fully painted Knights in his collection, enough to now run them as an actual force now. The one I finished was an Errant pattern. This now gives him two of these and one Paladin pattern Knight. Otherwise, I've continued working on my two current Tempestus Scions.
Next, my Necrons. I've finished the gun power sources on the right side of the ark. I just have to finish the left side now. I've also done some more work on the first two passengers. One has had his first coat of light red, the other one should be getting one soon.
Then, Tyranids. I'm almost done the white phase for the spore pod. Once the tentacles get the last coat, I can them begin doing the green ink phase.
And lastly, just some teaser shots fro the match from yesterday. Enjoy!