The Weekly Round-Up: Nov 22

Hey Everyone! So, this week, there are a few things I have to say, I'm pretty proud of. One thing is a solid paint job I did on one of my models, the other, putting a conversion from thought to reality. Other wise, not too much painting got done. I do feel though that I'm making some good progress. And I'm also excited to have pre-ordered the Mont'Ka expansion for the second half of the Tau campagn. These new books, and the "Decurrion" style formats for running armies give me some better direction for collecting my armies. So let's get into it!

So, both my accomplishments are for my Imperial forces. First, the painting accomplishment is that I really wanted to paint some solid blonde hair. So after looking up some tutorials online, I meshed them together with the paints I had, and wow, I am truly impressed with the result. I've done some blonde guys in the past, but this just knocked me off my feet with how well I got the effect off. And so, my blonde guy and the other scion were both completed this week. Now I'm working on the next three guys. Rounding out my special weapon options, I've got a grenade launcher and a flamer guy on the go. For the second part of my accomplishments, I had this awesome idea in my head about a Scion rappelling from the side of a Valkyrie, like a cool black ops kinda guy. So, I was struck with the struck with an idea of which parts to use to pull this off. Using one set of the many Standard bearer arms I wasn't going to be using, they were just perfect for trimming the flag and poll off of, and drilling through to allow a wire to be fed through them. And a quick run through my bits cases, I found an old pintle mount from a space marine tank that makes a great hook for the wire. Thus, I made a guy rappelling from the side of the Valkyrie! And it just looks so cool. Can't wait to have it painted up!

Next, for my Tyranids, I'm getting much farther along with the spore pod. I'm pretty much done the green parts, and now I'm moving onto the copper parts. That should be the final step to finish this guy off and get him game worthy. Then I can move onto painting the last of my Termagants.

Then, my Necrons. I got the first 2 passengers done now, working on the next two. I also finished the guns on the left side of the Ark, and now the main body is completely done. It's just the passengers left to do now. Then I have a box of warriors to complete.

Finally, my Tau. I've almost finished the second coat of metal, and then the green inking can begin. With all the cool new books coming out for the Tau, and the really nice formations for the flyers, I' hoping that will spur me on to finishing this guy.

So that's it for this week. Looking forwards to the progress I make this week!

Czar Ziggy