The Weekly Round-Up: Nov 29

Hey Everyone! Slow week here for me this week in painting. I was busy in the real world, so that translated into not much getting done in the hobby world. But, I did make some progress and as usual, I keep pushing on. I am really excited however, as I did get my copy of the second half of the campaign this past Friday, so I delved right in and I'm about half way through reading the fluff story. SO here's a look over the past week.

First up, Tyranids. I'm getting so close to having this guy done. I just finished the second coat of copper on the outer panels. Now I just need to finish the second coat on the other copper bits, then black ink it, and do the detail work. Once he's done, it's off to the Termagants to start getting the last 8 guys done and finishing off all my Tyranid projects.

Next up, my Imperial forces. Almost done these three guys. Just have to do the guns, skin, and then the detail work. Should have them done by next update. Then I'll be off to get more started. The last batch of guys should mostly be hot-shot lasgun guys to round out the second squad in the platoon. Once the squad is done, I'll look at how many I have left, which should be 3 guys at this point, and decide what special weapons I want done to swap out for games. I've also started my last Taurox Prime. The main body is assembled and I've started the base coat of grey. I decided to glue the top on this time, as I'm not going to be painting up the inside like the last Taurox.

Then lastly, Necrons. Just about to do the red ink  after the dark red touch-ups. Then the metal parts, and blue glows. Some clean up and onto the next two passengers.

And also, just a few thoughts about the Kauyon and Mont'Ka campaign books. As a casual player, I love these books. The style of giving sub-factions their own formation armies or "Decurrion" is just awesome. I know I'll be encouraging my Guard friend to use the Cadian rules for our next match. Even though he won't have enough to use the formations, the tactical objectives and warlord traits alone will bring some new dynamics to our games. As a Tau player too, it's also really nice to read these books. Not that the Tau have an upper hand in fighting the Imperium of Man, but I love the stories that are told and the in-depth look at some elements of the fluff that sadly seem missing from the more recent Codex publications. It's like they are saving it all for these campaign books. Already some really great shorts I've read from the books have giving me some inspiration for future projects for the hobby, and all these new formations also give me some direction on how I plan to collect for my armies down the road. Now I'm just hoping they do one for the Salamanders Chapter of Space Marines so I can get some direction for my Marine army.

Until Next week!

Czar Ziggy