Hey Everyone! So, I'm writing this week's recap in advance because I'll be out of town this weekend, and I know I'll be too tired to write something up. Plus, I won't get much more done than I have up until now. It will be a pretty light round-up this week. So I'll just jump right in.
Only two updates this week. First, I've finished the main metal parts of the Knight torso, and I've begun painting the bone carapace now. I just finished the first coat tonight. As well, for my Guard force, I've finished the brown ink bits on the new Scions, and now I can start the blue fatigues.
Then, for my Necrons, I'm 95% done the main body of the Ghost Ark. I just have to finish the guns on the port side (left side) of the ark, then a few minor touch ups. I've also now begun working on the warrior passengers. I think I'll try and do these guys two by two, because I know I can get bogged down trying to do too many of these guys at once, and it will stall my progress as I begin to lose interest. I'm hoping to have both the main body of the knight and the main part of the Ghost ark done by the next weekly round-up!
Finally for the Tau, I'm almost done the first coat of metal on the Razor Shark. I should be onto the second one this coming week. I'm also about ready to start doing the green ink on the weapons and drones.
Any ways, my next post should hopefully have more to show than this one. Until next time!
Czar Ziggy