The Weekly Round-Up: Dec 13

Hey Everyone! So, it's been an interesting week. I've gotten two models done this week, some more new ones started, and more moving through various stages in between. So let's take a look at what's been happening on the project board.

So, to start this week, I begin with Tyranids. I'm happy to report, the Tyranocyte Spore Pod is done! And now he's ready for use in games! Now I'm just down to 8 more Termagants and that's it for what I've got in back log for my Tyranids forces.

Next, Imperial Forces. I'm also excited here as well. I've gotten one more Scion completed and ready to join the ranks. The grappling line Scion and one more regular grunt are almost done. I've also got the last 5 scions built and have begun to paint them as well. Plus, the first metal coat is done on the last Taurox. This battle force is coming to a close and it's hard to believe I've been working on these guys now since last Christmas. Once these guys are done, that's it for the Imperium for a while until I can get new kits. I'm thinking at this point, a new Tactical Squad for my Marines and two Chimeras for the Guard to mechanize what I've got before moving on.

Then, Tau. I finally got a good itch to build the last Crisis battlesuit for my first full squad of Enclaves suits. So, I assembled him this week, and I also put together the new Ethereal for my Empire forces. This is the third Ethereal in the collection, the second one painted for the Empire. I'm looking forwards to getting him done as this will allow me to field the Ethereal Conclave which requires three Ethereal models. I also put together 3 more Marker Drones (not pictured this week), as this will continue the growth of my drone collection. And I can't say it enough, but these new formation armies are just awesome. I have so many new ideas for putting together new groups and fluffy backgrounds it's ridiculous.

Anyways, until next week!

Czar Ziggy