The Weekly Round-Up: Dec 6

Hey Everyone! So this will be a brief one this week. I didn't get a lot of time to paint this week. Plus I was gone all weekend visiting family for some early Christmas celebrations. However, I did also get an early gift! So let's jump right into it!

First up, my Imperial forces. I finished the three Scions I was working on, and the other two are coming along. I've only got a few left, so I might assemble the next few this week!

Then we have the Necrons. Finished the two passengers I was working on, and now I've started the next two. Half way there!

And finally, my early gift. While down in Toronto, I happened upon some discounted hobby sets. So, I picked up the Burning Dawn Infiltration Cadre box set. This is going to be very useful for expanding my Tau forces as it allows me to run a couple of min squads I need for the new Tau Hunter Contingent formations as well as this box set also has special rules for running it as a group. I'm excited to try out this formation as well as try the others! I do however want to finish up that last battle suit and the Razor Shark some more before I get to it however. But I'm now planning out the models and how I will kit them out.

Until next week!