Hey Everyone! Sorry for the long absence! Real life got busy for me over the Christmas break and then I was laid up in bed sick last weekend, so I wasn't able to do up any progress reports. But I'm back now and I've got my Christmas bounty to show off! I've also got some good progress done, and a few projects completed, with the 2016 line up ready to go! I'm also getting into Tournament mode now as the Kingston Club Championship is on February 20th and 21st and this year I've decided to bring the Tau Empire! This also gives me a reason to get the new kits that just came out, and to have them painted and ready to go for this tournament! So let's get into what I've been up to over the past three weeks!
First, Tau! This is the year of the Tau for my project board. mostly absent of late, and with few projects to be done, it's nice to turn that around and make them the focus for the next while. And what a list of projects for them I've got. I've started working on a Stormsurge Ballistic suit. This is also my first Lord of War option for any army I own. I'm expecting this guy to bring the pain at the championship this year. Next, the Ghostkeel Stealth suit. This kit I fell in love with the moment I saw it. Essentially the large format stealth suit, this guy is just beautiful. I've realized I won't be able to field his Optimized Stealth formation because of points restrictions, but that just means he'll be rollin' with the main Hunter Cadre. I just want to use him. Also on the go, new Pathfinders. I couldn't resist putting them together once I had access to all the new parts from all the new kits. Each head is from a different kit. Also, the beginnings of my new Breacher team and some progress on the Razorshark and the Ethereal.
Then, Imperial Guard. I have been busy with them as well. I'm now down to my last two scions, though I now have enough painted to use the whole platoon! In the end, I will have 3 spare special weapons scions to interchange with the platoon if I want to use none Melta gun scions. Once the last two guys are done however, I have also picked up my two new Chimeras and I can begin working on them. The new Chimeras are part of my plan to fully mechanize what I've got, and I'll reassess where to go next once they're done.
And finally, Necrons. I would have hoped to be done the last 4 passengers now, but I'm still working on them. I'm hoping to have at least two of them done by the next update. It will most likely be a while before I decide to add any more Necrons just because I'm tired of painting warriors. However, I will be super happy when this Ghost Ark is done. I think I will be keeping to Night Scythes though, since I like painting them.
Also, with rumors of the Adeptus Mechanicus becoming one Codex, if this comes to pass, I will begin collecting them as an Army proper. They are beautiful kits and I love the idea of having them. Any ways, until next week!
Czar Ziggy