Hey Everyone! So, wow! I was on fire this week for painting! No less than 7 models were completed this week with a few more not too far from being done! All in all a solid weeks effort! You'll also notice that there is a decided army that is getting the most love as well this week. Let's see if you can tell which one! Let's begin!
First up is Necrons. Only two passengers left! They are almost done as well! The last two warriors just need the red ink, and then the other minor details done and then the Ghost Ark is complete. To think that this kit has been in my collection since last February and on the project board since last May! I will be very happy when it's done and will take a break from Necrons for a while until I really want to paint some again.
Next up is Imperial Guard. The first of two Chimera transports is being worked on. Both will have the same load-out which will be multi-lasers turret and heavy flamer hull weapons, as well as a heavy stubber pintle mounted weapon. These will be the main transports for my two veteran squads until I flesh out the group to have some infantry platoons.
Finally, the Tau! These guys are getting some much needed love after the past few years of almost no projects. All 7 of this week's models are Tau! The third and final Crisis suit is now done for my first squad of Enclaves forces. This squad will be part of my Tournament forces in a Retaliation Cadre. The only squad that will actually be WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) as I don't magnetize my battlesuits to change weapons load outs. But most of the suits will have the same load outs. Also, in following with the Tournament prep, I have now finished my new squad of Pathfinder scouts. I've also finished my Shas'Ui team leader for my new Breacher team and the DS8 Tactical Turret with Missile Pod which will be giving to one of my Striker Teams. Also, now out of Tournament prep, I finished my new Ethereal. This now rounds my collect up to three Ethereals, giving me the option of running the new formation from Mont'ka. Progress is also being made with the Stormsurge and the Ghost Keel. They are the next two that need to be ready for the Tournament, as well as I'm working on more Breacher team members.
So that's where I'm at this week. The Ghost Ark should be done by next update, and it will pretty much be Tau from here on out until I have my Tournament forces ready for Kingston in February. Until next week!
Czar Ziggy