The Weekly Round-Up: Jan 31

Hey Everyone! So another busy week, both for painting and in real life. I'm proud to say though that I meet the goals for painting that I set myself this week, and that resulted in several models getting done. Also, I'm still writing that battle report, so it will be out as soon as possible, it was just that the painting came first this week when I had the time. And one other non-Warhammer related hobby update, I found a Holy Grail item for my Transformers collection! So without further adieu, here is this weeks update!

First, the quick one. I forgot to show off the newest Chimera I had finished last week for the battle report I'm writing up. So this is the second Chimera in my Guard forces. Depending on how my tournament painting is going, I may start the next one once I'm closer to being ready in two weeks.

And for the rest of this week's updates, the Tau. This is were most of my progress will be because I'm striving to get my Tournament forces ready, and maybe a few practice games in with the new units before the tournament starts. As it stands right now, the only model left to finish is the Stormsurge. I was able to complete the Ghost Keel and the first 5 Breacher team members which I will be using. I also completed the Razorshark fighter to have it complete. So yea for finally having one of every Tau model completed for the last codex! Only 3 months too late! But now I only really have the Stormsurge left to complete that goal for this version of the codex. (I don't count the new Commander or Crisis suits because they are just updated version of what I already have, and the Fortification units are not in the main codex, though I will be getting them as time and funds allow.) I also made some more progress with my pathfinders. The rest of them have been assembled and base coated. Four of them will form a new unit, while the other two will become the 4th member of my special weapon Pathfinder teams. That will give me 6 pathfinder teams in total, with 4 of them at min squad strength.

Down the road, I think there will be some Necron projects to start fleshing out my Decurrion, as at the moment, I can only field the core formation and a a partial squad of Deathmarks. But there are a few formations that I am close to completing, some only one kit away. So after this Tournament prep, I will probably look to starting some of these projects as well as finishing up the other ones I have kicking around at the moment.

As for my Holy Grail item, I got my hands on the original 1996 Beast Wars Rattrap toy. Now, Rattrap is probably my favorite character due to the cartoon series that ran in the 90's. By the time I even thought about collecting Transformers, his time had come and gone already. I figured I'd never get my hands on one, which is why I was really happy to get the anniversary one this past year in the Generations toy line. But yesterday I was doing my rounds at some of my hunting grounds, and at one store, they had just gotten a large tub of recently donated transformer toys. As I started to rummage through the bin, I realized just how many classic Beast Wars toys were in there and immediately began looking for Rattrap. As luck would have it, there was one, with all his bits and in good working order, so without a second thought, I took him and bought him right away! So now I have one of the toys I thought I'd never find! It honestly feels like winning the lottery.

Anyways, until next week!