The Weekly Round-Up: Feb 14

Hey Everyone! Happy Valentines day, and for those of you in Canada, happy Family Day! I've got some exciting news this week! And that of course is that my tournament force is completely done! I just finished the Stormsurge this morning and now the full 2,000 pts army is ready to rock next weekend in Kingston! That being said, I will probably be a lot slower for the next few weeks in getting my painting projects done as I'm worn out from the intense focus I've put into painting up the last half of my force over the past month and a half. So let's look at the Stormsurge and the rest of my Tau forces going to war next weekend!

So first up, the Stormsurge. This is a beautiful model. While I don't think it will see the table top much outside of tournaments, or the odd friendly game, I do expect this thing to be a power house when it does get on the game board. The completion of the Stormsurge also marks the last new core codex unit for my Tau in 7th edition. I'm not counting the new platform models of the redone kits as part of this, though don't get me wrong, they will be added to the collection!

Next, the tournament force. This battle force is comprised of two elements. The core group is a Combined Arms Detachment (C.A.D) which has my Cadre Fireblade, 2 squads of Striker fire warriors, 1 squad of Breachers, 2 Devilfish Transports, 2 Pathfinder teams, the Ghostkeel and the Stormsurge. The second element is a Retaliation Cadre formation, which has a Commander, a 2 man Crisis suit team, two 3 man Crisis suit teams, a Broadside suit, and a Riptide suit.

The play style for this army is my go to tactic style. The C.A.D force will be my main army which will normally be deployed on the field, and hopefully be the main focus of my enemies attacks. The Retaliation Cadre will be my distraction and glass cannon attack. This is how I have traditionally played my Tau, but this will be the first time using the formation. Normally the units in the Retaliation Cadre would be part of the main force, but staying in reserve to deepstrike in. Historically, it has been a difficult strategy to use because the units in reserve don't all arrive at the same time, and can be easily picked off if the come in one by one. With the formation however, they all arrive on turn 2 without fail, and have an accuracy boost the turn they arrive, which makes them much more independent and deadly. I haven't used the formation in an actual game yet, but just with those special rules, I know it will make the game that much easier to control.

So now, with this major project completed, I'm going to be going back to working on what ever inspires me, or what ever goals I'm after to finish next. I've started working on the last of my Termagants which is my last Tyranids set left at the moment. I've still got the Chimera for the Guard, which is there last kit to do at the moment. I've made some more Tau drones for the main army. I'm almost done the second half of the Breacher team. And there will be some Necron projects to start getting my Decurrion to be competitive. I'm currently working on the last squad of Praetorians to complete the Triarch Formation, and I'm working towards getting a Destroyer Cult done. I'll just need one more 3 man destroyer kit to complete it. Then, some time this year, I'll need to get a Tomb Spyder to complete the Canoptek Harvest formation, and some more Wraiths to flesh it out. Otherwise, I think I'll be waiting on Games Workshop to release a new Tyranid or Guard codex before I pick up anymore kits, just so I know which ones I'll need to get to do their "Decurrion" armies. Though, with the Mont'Ka supplement, there is a "Decurrion" army list for the Guard, and I will be working towards that for now. But for now, I'll be diving more into X-COM 2 and enjoying that game for a bit.

Until next week!

Czar Ziggy