Hey Everyone! A pretty short update this week. I'm only working on the Tournament model now, with very little other project work being done. So let's get right to it!
So, Tau. I'm making great progress with the Stormsurge. He's now pretty much assembled. I just have to add the leg stabilizers, as that is the only missing bits at the moment. The Main cannon needs another green ink wash or two, then what ever other colors I'm going to use, then it can be attached. The missile pods are nearly done as well. I completed them enough to allow them to be glued on, and now any other painting I need to do won't be in some tight nook or cranny. This guy is just looking great and I'm feeling confident that he'll be done by the next update.
Other than that, I'm still working on the second half of the Breacher team. They're almost done the green ink phase, then I'll be moving onto the rest of the process. I'm loving their poses and after using the first half in a game last week, with the power they brought, I can't wait to see what a full squad of these guys can do!
Also, I started working on the last Chimera. Just assembled the turret and started the base coat. This Chimera will be the exact same loadout as the previous one. The Tank Commander is actually made up of bits from both the Chimera kit and the left over parts I have from the Taurox kits. However, once the tournament force is done, I'll be back to my other projects.
And finally, just a side note. I got X-COM 2 this weekend for my PC. Now, my computer is a very basic computer, not designed for games. Even playing this game on the most basic settings, my computer is still having a hard time playing the game. But, it is still a super awesome game, and it absorbed a lot of my time this weekend! I actually had to rip myself away to do some painting this weekend and even do my blog update! I'm addicted. But I'll get more painting done over the course of the week because I do a little every morning before work, and I don't turn my computer on at that time of the day.
Until next week!