The Weekly Round-Up: Mar 06

Hey Everyone! So it was a pretty quiet week on the painting front as I expected. I only did a little bit of work on my stuff usually in the 30 min before I head to work in the morning. I think it was a combination of still winding down from the push leading up to the tournament, as well as trying to get comfortable with my new brushes because I killed the last ones in the push. So this will be a short update.

Starting with Necrons. I'm almost ready to do red ink on one more Praetorian, and I'm about to start the first coat of light red on another. I've also started doing the red coat on my first Destroyer. Otherwise, not much else was done this week.

Next, my Imperial Guard. I've made some good progress on the turret for my last Chimera. The yellow and metal parts are done and now I'm working on all the detail colors. I've also finished the base coat on the main body of the transport, and now I'm starting the first coat of yellow.

Then, my Tau. I've finished the last coat of brown for the fatigues on one pathfinder, and started the first coat on another.

And finally, the Tyranids. I've finished the black inking of the skin, and now I'm onto the blue ink on the carapace. I think they have had the most progress so far this week, as they were the ones I worked on pretty much every morning.

And that's it for this week. I'm starting to feel more like painting after having a slow week. I spent most of this past week surfing YouTube or playing some video games to just unwind. While I know I will be doing some house cleaning this week in preparation for hosting some company, I'm sure I'll have some more progress for next week.

Until then.

Czar Ziggy