Hey Everyone! So, I'm still getting back on track with my painting. This week though I've just been busy with life in general so I haven't done as much painting as I could have. I had some good friends up visiting this weekend and we went out and did something quiet awesome! Our first night out, we went and did some ax throwing! This is a lot of fun. My fiance and I are even thinking about joining the league. We had lots of fun doing this! Any ways, let's get on to thew updates!
First up, Guard. I'm about 99% done the turret now. I'm really just down to final touches and touch-ups. The main body of the Chimera is ready to be inked and then I can move on to the other colors, mostly the metal on the tracks and weapons. Once that's all done, the whole army will be mechanized!
Next, my Necrons. I'm now pretty much done my next praetorian, who just needs the basing done, and I have another one who has now been inked red and ready for the other colors. I might have a reason to get these guys done sooner than later however, because there is a small tournament in Kingston next month, and I think it might be a good place to practice with my Necrons. so we'll see.
Finally, my Tau. I've now finished two more Pathfinders. I have one left to complete to have this squad done, then just my two team leaders to complete my special weapons teams.
Not pictured this week is my Termagants. I have been making progress, and two of them should be done by next week. They're still my favorite models to work on before I go to work in the morning.
Bonus: me throwing a bull-eye!
Any ways, until next week!
Czar Ziggy