Hey Everyone! This was a very productive week in painting! No less than 8 models completed, and a bunch of new ones started. I definitely felt on fire doing painting this week and it shows. I've also started some new projects that I'm very excited about! So lets get into it!
First up, Necrons. Some good progress here this week. I finished up the Praetorian from last week that needed to be based. I've also got the next one in the done and just needing the base to be painted. The last two have also had some red done to them, and hopefully I'll have them done for the next update. Also for this army, I'm close to having the first of six Destroyers done. A few more details to tidy up and then the base. So with him at this point, I've begun the second one of six. Just got him assembled today.
Next, the Tyranids. I finished all four of the Termagants this week. Now I've started the last four. Once they're done, I will have finished all my Tyranid projects.
Then, the Tau. I finished the last of the four man team of Pathfinders. Now I just have to finish the two team leads for the special weapon teams and then all the Pathfinders will be done. That will leave me the 3 Stealth suits and the Piranha gunship.
And finally, the Guard. I finished the last Chimera transport. Now the whole army is mechanized! You might notice that this Chimera is also a little different from the previous ones. That's because I tried a new technique call stippling. I wanted to use this to make a camo feel to the hull. I think it came out really nicely. So with that done, I've started working on my new additions to this army. I picked up the Leman Russ Tech-Command to get the Tech Priest primarily, but another Tank is always good too. So I've started painting the Priest, and he's coming along nicely, For the Tank, I've decided this time to make it into an Eradicator pattern, with the Nova Cannon. I like this weapon mainly for it's Ignores Cover special rule after facing so many armies with cover at the last tournament, and because when I play against my buddies Guard, he loves Camo upgrades for his Veterans, which this tank will ignore. I know I still need more anti-tank, but this one just sang to me, so it's what I'm going with. I'll probably fit the main tank body with 3 heavy bolters to focus it on anti-infantry.
And that's all for this week. Until next week!
Czar Ziggy