The Weekly Round-Up: Mar 27

Hey Everyone! Like I was saying in my last post, through a twist of fate I had to stay home this weekend instead of heading down to visit relatives this Easter long weekend, so that meant I had some more time at home to paint, and film a mock battle report. It ended up being a productive week as I set myself the goal of getting some of my near complete models done. Then ended up having more time, so I kept going with more painting. So let's get into the round-up!

First, Necrons. Some more good progress here as I finished up two more models, one of the Praetorians and my first of six Destroyers. Hot on their heels is the 4th of five Praetorians who just needs his base painted. I also moved along with my other two guys, the last Praetorian who is almost done the red stage, and the next Destroyer who is just starting the red stage.

Next, Forces of the Imperium. I started to assemble the main body of the tank this week. I just have to attach the treads and then I'll begin painting the undercoat. I did a little more detail work as well on the Tech Priest. I'm trying to stick to the box art for his color scheme, but I will probably add my own tweaks here and there as I go. And of course, my new Space Marine Tactical squad Sargent. This guy will lead the third squad.

Finally, Tau. I forgot to get their pictures, but both the Pathfinders are done now. I'm undecided as to whether I'll do the Stealth suits or the Piranha next from the Burning Dawn box set. Plus I need to feel a little more inspired before making a choice.

Anyways, that's it for this week. Until next time!

Czar Ziggy