The Weekly Round-Up: Apr 10

Hey Everyone! Another week and some more progress being made. I suspect it will be a little quieter on the painting front over the next few weeks as I will be doing some travelling. Next week I'll be seeing family and the weekend after is the tournament in Kingston! I still got a fair bit done this week though, and I'll still be doing most of my painting before heading off to work in the morning. So with that said, let's see what progress I did this week!

First, armies of the Imperium. This week I got the first coat of yellow done on the Leman Russ battle tank. I've also done the second coat of yellow on the turret and started the second coat on the main hull. I'm hoping to start the camo stippling this week on the turret and maybe the hull if I get that far. As for the Space Marines, I've done a little more work on the Sargent and the two regular guys. I've also begun working on my heavy weapons team member which will be a marine with a Multi-melta.

Next, the Necrons. With the Destroyers now my primary project, I've done a bit more work on #2 this week. I started setting up his base, and decided to add some scarabs. I've done the red on the Destroyer and just have to do the ink before moving on. As for #3, I've finished the first dark red coat on him.

Finally, Tau. I'm 90% done the stealth suit. I just have to do the blue details on the lenses and gun and then a gloss finish. Then I might start working on the next stealth suit or the drones I assembled a few weeks back.

I have done some more on my Termagants, and started some of the spore mines left over from the Spore Pod kit a did a few months back, but I haven't taken any pictures of them. I'm looking forwards to the tournament, and playing Necrons again. I think it will be a great event. I'm also really excited about the new Space Marine supplement that just went up for pre-order today as it will finally give me some directions for my Salamanders army I'm trying to build. I'm also hoping to pick up the Tomb Spyder while in Kingston as that is the last model I need to complete my Necron list for next years championship.

Anyways, until next week!

Czar Ziggy