The Weekly Round-Up: Apr 15 (17)

Hey Everyone! So I'm going to be out of town this weekend, and therefore not doing anymore painting than I have done up to this point. So I figured I'd do my weekly round-up now because I'll be getting back late on Sunday when I normally do them. Also, I have some bad news, due to personal reasons, I've had to drop out of the tournament in Kingston from next weekend. It's sad as I was looking forwards to it, and I know most of my readers enjoy my battle reports and tournament result posts. Don't worry, I'll be attending more events and having more battles this year, so there will be more epic posts about them in the future. Now Let's get into the painting updates!

First, Forces of the Imperium. I've made some good progress with my Leman Russ tank. I've now finished doing my yellow ink coat on the turret and I'm about to do the ink on the main hull. Then I can start doing the camo pattern. I've also done some more detail work on the Tech Priest. This guy I'm taking my time with because I want him to look really well painted when I'm done. This week I started doing some more work on his tubes and pipes on the body and coloring in the cog on his back. As for my Space Marines, I've done some more detail work on the Sargent. Both the other regular guys are getting the details fleshed out now and are pretty close to being done. I've also finished my two coats of green on the heavy weapons guy and will start doing the lighter green before giving him the ink wash.

Next, Necrons. I finished my second Destroyer this week. The third one is almost done as well. With the third one done, that will mark half way to being done my new Destroyers for the cult formation.

Finally, Tau. I finished the Fusion blaster Stealth suit this week. With him completed, I can now run an Optimized Stealth Cadre. I'm also working on the second of three stealth suits form the Burning Dawn box set. This new suit will be intended as a team lead in a new squad.

And that's it for this week. I'm pretty happy with the progress in painting this week and I'm hoping to bang out a few more guys by my next update. Until next week!