Hey Everyone! So not a super productive week, but progress was made. Still mostly doing a lot of my painting before going to work in the morning. My weekends are becoming more about wedding planning and getting errands done. In two weeks I'll be heading down to Kingston for another tournament. This one is a 1,250 pts list consisting of one Combined Arms Detachment (CAD) where you must include a named Character to be your warlord. In my case, it's going to be a Necron list with Illuminor Szeras as my warlord. So lets get to the painting updates!
First, Necrons. Finished my last Praetorian this week. Now the whole squad is complete and it also makes the Judicator Battalion formation complete for my Necron forces. I've also assembled and base-coated the next Destroyer, and I've done the first coat of red on the other Destroyer.
Next, Imperial Forces. For the Space Marines, I've done a little more work on the Sargent. I've also assembles and done up to the first coat of green on two more members of the squad. One member being the special weapon guy, holding a Melta gun, the other a regular squad member. I've also finished assembling the Leman Russ tank treads and I've started a base coat on it. And I've done a little more work on the Tech Priest.
And finally, Tau. I've done up to the first coat of metal on my first of three new Stealth suits. I decided to do the Fusion Blaster member first, then I'll do the regular Burst Canon guys next. Finishing this guy first however gets me the Optimized Stealth Cadre done for my Tau forces as I already have 5 Stealth suits in my collection.
That's it for this week. Until next time!
Czar Ziggy