Battle Report: 2,500 pts Tau Empire Vs. Astra Militarum

Lord Commissar Dante stood, hands clasped together behind his back, staring impatiently on wards as one of his line soldiers tried without much success to detach a damaged power supply from an open conduit. Removing his hat and wiping some sweat from his brow, Dante finally moved to the soldier and pushed him aside and with an annoyed tone said; "Let me handle this..."

The Commissar bent down and reached into the back of the exposed conduit and fumbled to find the damaged power cell. Finally grasping it, he put all the strength into it that he could muster. Jostling the cell out, he ripped it out of the conduit and handed it to the soldier who had been trying the task only moments before. "All it takes is a little effort." The Commissar said as he snapped his fingers and two soldiers from their group rushed forwards, one putting a case down on the ground. Flipping the two latches open, the one soldier opened the case and pulled a new power cell out, handing it to the other soldier who then began to install it where the damaged cell had been. With a final click, the cell was locked in place and the console it was attached to came to life. 

Dante motioned for his Vox operator, the only soldier with him presently how could handle something a little more advanced than a simple door panel, to begin accessing the console's database. One this console was a location for a secrete military instillation that controlled a planet wide void shield generator. It was the hope of the Lord Castellan running the planet wide campaign that if they could find and activate this shield, that they could prevent the Tau forces form landing anymore reinforcements and begin routing the invading Tau from the planet. 

After a few moments that seemed to last an eternity, the Vox operator exclaimed that he had found something. Dante moved forwards and looked over the operator's shoulder at the screen. The system was asking for a bio metric scan to confirm that someone with sufficient rank was present to receive the sensitive data. With a nod, the Vox operator flicked a few dials and a small panel lifted up from, the wall beside them. A servo skull floated out from the opening and drifted towards the group. Dante stepped into it's path and the skull began to scan him. After a moment, the scan was complete and the system unlocked itself. The Commissar moved back over to the console and began to watch as a stream of data flashed across the screen. Dante plugged a small chip into the console and downloaded the data on to it before pulling it back out and securing it in his greatcoat. He then turned to his men and said; "I want melta charges planted on this site and ready for remote detonation in five." and then turned towards the entrance and began to briskly stride towards the exit.

Unnoticed by the men, up in the mess of cables and wires running along the ceiling, shrouded in the shadows and by it's own active camouflage, a Tau stealth drone had seen everything on the console and was sending a data burst out, back to it's relay beacon, which would then be sent back to the Tau's main command center. The Tau would need to secure the site before the forces of the Astra Militarum could fortify it and control access to the planet's surface.

Points: 2500
Mission Type: Custom - Blend/Hybrid of Eternal War Mission #6: The Relic (Relic Objective) and Maelstrom of war Mission #3: Tactical Escalation (Tactical Objectives, Night Fighting, Reserves)
Deployment Type: Dawn of War
Winner of Roll: Tau Empire
Seize the Initiative: No
Night Fighting: Yes

+++ Astra Militarum: Codex (2014) (Combined Arms Detachment) (1751pts) +++

+ No Force Org Slot (75pts) +

- Primaris Psyker (75pts) 
(Flak Armour, Force Staff, Frag Grenades, Laspistol, Psyker Mastery Level 2 (25pts), Refractor Field)

+ HQ (320pts) +

- Company Command Squad (195pts) 
(Flak Armour)
     *Chimera (90pts) (Camo Netting (15pts), Fire Barrels (10pts), Heavy Bolter, 2x Lasgun Arrays, Multi-laser, Searchlight, Smoke Launchers)
     *Company Commander (21pts) (Bolt Pistol (1pts), Carapace Armour (5pts), Frag Grenades, Orders, Power Sword (15pts), Refractor Field)
     *Veteran w/ Medi-pack (15pts) (Frag Grenades, Lasgun, Medi-pack)
     *2x Veteran w/ Sniper Rifle (4pts) (2x Frag Grenades, 2x Sniper Rifle)
     *Veteran w/ Vox-caster (5pts) [Frag Grenades, Lasgun, Vox-caster]

- Lord Commissar (125pts) (Carapace Armour (5pts), Frag Grenades, HoC: The Deathmask of Ollanius (30pts), HoC: The Emperor’s Benediction (5pts), Krak Grenades, Melta Bombs (5pts), Power Sword (15pts), Refractor Field, Warlord)

+ Troops (556pts) +

- Infantry Platoon (331pts)
     *Platoon Command Squad (61pts) (Krak Grenades for Squad (5pts))
          *3x Guardsman w/ Flamer (15pts) (3x Flak Armour, 3x Flamer, 3x Frag Grenades)
          *Guardsman w/ Heavy Flamer (10pts) (Flak Armour, Frag Grenades, Heavy Flamer)
          *Platoon Commander (1pts) (Bolter (1pts), Close Combat Weapon, Flak Armour, Frag Grenades, Orders)
     *Infantry Squad (60pts)
           *7x Guardsman (7x Flak Armour, 7x Frag Grenades, 7x Lasgun)
           *Guardsman w/ Grenade Launcher (5pts) (Flak Armour, Frag Grenades, Grenade Launcher)
           *Guardsman w/ Vox-caster (5pts) (Flak Armour, Frag Grenades, Lasgun, Vox-caster)
           *Sergeant (Close Combat Weapon, Flak Armour, Frag Grenades, Laspistol)
  *Infantry Squad (60pts)
           *7x Guardsman (7x Flak Armour, 7x Frag Grenades, 7x Lasgun)
           *Guardsman w/ Grenade Launcher (5pts) (Flak Armour, Frag Grenades, Grenade Launcher)
           *Guardsman w/ Vox-caster (5pts) (Flak Armour, Frag Grenades, Lasgun, Vox-caster)
           *Sergeant (Close Combat Weapon, Flak Armour, Frag Grenades, Laspistol)
  *Infantry Squad (60pts)
           *7x Guardsman (7x Flak Armour, 7x Frag Grenades, 7x Lasgun)
           *Guardsman w/ Grenade Launcher (5pts) (Flak Armour, Frag Grenades, Grenade Launcher)
           *Guardsman w/ Vox-caster (5pts) (Flak Armour, Frag Grenades, Lasgun, Vox-caster)
           *Sergeant (Close Combat Weapon, Flak Armour, Frag Grenades, Laspistol) 
   *Heavy Weapons Squad (90pts)
          *3x Missile Launcher Team (45pts) (6x Flak Armour T, 6x Frag Grenades T, 3x Lasgun, 3x Missile Launcher)

- Veterans (225pts) (Flak Armour for Squad, Krak Grenades for Squad (10pts))
     *Chimera (90pts) (Camo Netting (15pts), Fire Barrels (10pts), Heavy Flamer, 2x Lasgun Arrays, Multi-laser, Searchlight, Smoke Launchers)

+ Fast Attack (250pts) +

- Hellhound Squadron (250pts)
     *Hellhound (125pts) (Heavy Bolter, Turret-mounted Inferno Cannon)
     *Hellhound (125pts) (Heavy Bolter, Turret-mounted Inferno Cannon)

+ Heavy Support (550pts) +

- Leman Russ Squadron (200pts)
     *Executioner (200pts) (2x Heavy Bolter (20pts), Camo Netting (15pts), Fire Barrels (10pts), Heavy Bolter, Searchlight, Smoke Launchers, Turret-mounted Executioner Plasma Cannon)

- Leman Russ Squadron (350pts)
     *Exterminator (175pts) (2x Heavy Bolter (20pts), Camo Netting (15pts), Fire Barrels (10pts), Heavy Bolter, Searchlight, Smoke Launchers, Turret-mounted Exterminator Autocannon)
     *Exterminator (175pts) (2x Heavy Bolter (20pts), Camo Netting (15pts), Fire Barrels (10pts), Heavy Bolter, Searchlight, Smoke Launchers, Turret-mounted Exterminator Autocannon)

++Allied Detachment (745pts) ++

- Knight Errant (370pts) (Heavy Stubber, Reaper Chainsword, Thermal Cannon)

- Knight Paladin (375pts) (Heavy Stubber, Rapid-Fire Battle Cannon w/ Heavy Stubber, Reaper Chainsword)

+++ Tau Empire: Codex (2015) (Tau Hunter Contingent) (2500pts) +++ 

  + Core (1789pts) + 

 -Hunter Cadre (1789pts)     
      *Cadre Fireblade (60pts) [Markerlight, Photon Grenades, Pulse Rifle]      
      *Commander (182pts) (2x MV7 Marker Drone (24pts), XV8 Commander Crisis Suit (73pts), Blacksun Filter, Counterfire Defence System (5pts), Cyclic Ion Blaster (15pts), Drone Controller (8pts), Multi-Tracker, Onager Gauntlet (5pts), Plasma Rifle (15pts), XV8-02 Crisis 'Iridium' Battlesuit (25pts))      
     *XV8 Crisis Battlesuits (94pts)           
           *Crisis Shas'ui (47pts) (Flamer (5pts), Twin-linked Fusion Blaster (20pts), Blacksun Filter, Multi-Tracker)
          *Crisis Shas'ui (47pts) (Flamer (5pts), Twin-linked Fusion Blaster (20pts), Blacksun Filter, Multi-Tracker)
     *XV8 Crisis Battlesuits (94pts)           
          *Crisis Shas'ui (47pts) (Flamer (5pts), Twin-linked Fusion Blaster (20pts), Blacksun Filter, Multi-Tracker)
          *Crisis Shas'ui (47pts) (Flamer (5pts), Twin-linked Fusion Blaster (20pts), Blacksun Filter, Multi-Tracker)
     *Drones (84pts) (6x MV7 Marker Drone (84pts))      
     *Pathfinder Team (171pts)           
           *MB3 Recon Drone (28pts) [Burst Cannon, Homing Beacon, Positional Relay]           
           *MV31 Pulse Accelerator Drone (15pts) [Pulse Accelerator]           
           *4x Pathfinder (44pts) [4x Photon Grenades, 4x Pulse Carbine with Markerlight]                                *Pathfinder Shas'ui (21pts) [Photon Grenades, Pulse Carbine with Markerlight]           
           *3x Pathfinder with Ion Rifle (63pts) [3x Ion Rifle (30pts), 3x Photon Grenades]      
     *KV128 Stormsurges (430pts) (Cluster Rocket System, 4x Destroyer Missile, Pulse Driver Cannon (15pts), Shield Generator (50pts), Twin-linked Burst Cannon (5pts), Twin-linked Smart Missile System)      
     *Breacher Team (233pts) (Bonding Knife Ritual (10pts), MV36 Guardian Drone (12pts),  9x Fire Warrior with Pulse Blaster (81pts))
          *Fire Warrior Shas'ui with Pulse Blaster (34pts) (Field Amplifier Relay, Markerlight and Target Lock (15pts), Photon Grenades)           
          *TY7 Devilfish (96pts) (2x MV1 Gun Drone, Blacksun Filter (1pts), Burst Cannon, Disruption Pod (15pts))      
     *Strike Team (221pts) (Bonding Knife Ritual (10pts), 9x Fire Warrior with Pulse Rifle (81pts), Photon Grenades)           
            *Fire Warrior Shas'ui (34pts) (Markerlight and Target Lock (15pts), Pulse Rifle)           
            *TY7 Devilfish (96pts) (2x MV1 Gun Drone, Blacksun Filter (1pts), Burst Cannon, Disruption Pod (15pts))
      *Strike Team (220pts) (Bonding Knife Ritual (10pts), 9x Fire Warrior with Pulse Rifle (81pts), Photon Grenades)
           *Fire Warrior Shas'ui (34pts) (Markerlight and Target Lock (15pts), Pulse Rifle)
           *TY7 Devilfish (96pts) (2x MV1 Gun Drone, Burst Cannon, Disruption Pod (15pts))

+ Auxiliary (711pts) + 

- Firebase Support Cadre (340pts)
      *XV104 Riptide Battlesuits (210pts) (Early Warning Override (5pts), Ion Accelerator (5pts), Riptide Shield Generator, Twin-linked Fusion Blaster, Velocity Tracker (20pts), Blacksun Filter, Multi-tracker)
      *XV88 Broadside Battlesuits (65pts) (Twin-linked Heavy Rail Rifle, Twin-linked Smart Missile System, Blacksun Filter, Multi-tracker)
      *XV88 Broadside Battlesuits (65pts) (Twin-linked Heavy Rail Rifle, Twin-linked Smart Missile System, Blacksun Filter, Multi-tracker)

- Optimized Stealth Cadre (371pts)
      *XV25 Stealth Battlesuits (113pts) (Bonding Knife Ritual (3pts))
           *Stealth Shas'ui with Burst Cannon (35pts) (Burst Cannon, Counterfire Defence System (5pts), Blacksun Filter, Multi-Tracker)
           *Stealth Shas'ui with Burst Cannon (35pts) (Burst Cannon, Counterfire Defence System (5pts), Blacksun Filter, Multi-Tracker)
          *Stealth Shas'ui with Fusion Blaster (40pts) (Fusion Blaster (5pts), Target Lock (5pts), Blacksun Filter, Multi-Tracker)
      *XV25 Stealth Battlesuits (113pts) (Bonding Knife Ritual (3pts))
           *Stealth Shas'ui with Burst Cannon (35pts) (Burst Cannon, Counterfire Defence System (5pts), Blacksun Filter, Multi-Tracker)
           *Stealth Shas'ui with Burst Cannon (35pts) (Burst Cannon, Counterfire Defence System (5pts), Blacksun Filter, Multi-Tracker)
          *Stealth Shas'ui with Fusion Blaster (40pts) (Fusion Blaster (5pts), Target Lock (5pts), Blacksun Filter, Multi-Tracker)
     *XV95 Ghostkeel Battlesuits (145pts) (Counterfire Defence System (5pts), Cyclic Ion Raker, 2x MV5 Stealth Drone, Twin-linked Fusion Blaster (10pts), Blacksun Filter, Multi-tracker)

T'au Deployment

Guards Deployment 

Turn 1:
Knights Spotted!

The Tau were the first to arrive to the area where the control module would be. The Tau Commander had joined with his hunter contingent's marker drone squadron and was going to provide most of the marker designations while overseeing the battle as it would unfold. The Tau forces that arrived first where the fire warrior teams and the members of his fire base support cadre. The plan was to keep the faster suits of his hunter cadre and his optimized stealth cadre in reserve to counter the Imperial forces deployment. After the long and bitter war that had been unfolding, the Tau Commander knew all to well that the Imperial forces would bring lots of armor. It was therefore no surprise when the first Imperial forces were spotted moving into their area of operations and they numbered 3 battle tanks and two of the large and crude walkers. Immediately, the Commander had his drones target the large "Knights", as they were called by the humans, and then ordering his fire base cadre to coordinate their fire to try and bring them down. Unfortunately, the Knight's pilot was quick in his reflexes and was able to raise his energy shields to block most of the damage.

Guardsmen take the ruins!

Dante realized too late that the Tau were first to the scene. As the opening shots rang out across the abandoned plaza that they were now fighting in, he knew that they must close the gap and assault the Tau lines before they could dig in and get a foot hold in the area. Turning to his vox operator, he had him relay the order to the two knights to advance and make for the Tau lines. It was a gamble as the Tau had enough fire power from what he could see to possibly stop the knights, but his faith in the Emperor would hopefully prove to favor his bold tactics. As the knights drew closer to the Tau lines, they spotted the Tau artillery platform, classified as a "Stormsurge". The brought their weapons to bear and began to fire, though to minimal effect.

Turn 2:
Crushing smaller fish on the way to bigger fish!

With the Knights moving towards the Tau's lines fast, the Commander knew they needed to be stopped in their advance. Continuing to mark the knights, the Commander had them flanked, on one side by the Stormsurge, the other his fire base cadre. Masterfully coordinating the targeting data, and the two battle groups, the second round of shots were able to bring the first knight crashing down to the ground and exploding. The resulting explosion only flickered across the shields of the knight striding closely behind the now fallen comrade. Meanwhile, the fire warriors mounted in the transports began to dash forwards, one Striker team on each flank with a Breacher team heading up the center. The Breachers were being tasked with capturing the module while the other two team would provide covering fire. The Commander also called in a few of his suit teams to begin harassing the Imperial lines. Stealth teams and Crisis teams dropped from the low orbiting Manta carrier and began to select their targets, weapons cycling up in preparation for cutting down the Guardsmen and their tanks.

Taking the module!

With one knight already brought low, Dante began to question if his gamble would pay off. The Tau Commander was skilled indeed at commanding his forces and it showed. And, even now, new threats were dropping from the skies to try and stop their advance for the module. Dante then began barking orders to his men, ordering his veterans, accompanied by the battle companies Primaris Psyker, to take their transport and grab the module, while ordering other squads to open fire on the various Tau elements that were advancing towards their lines. Dante knew that the enemy Commander needed to be stopped from marking his units, and ordered his Leman Russ Executioner to fire salvos at the Tau Commander's position, hoping to push him back and break the control he was exerting over his forces targeting. Meanwhile, the last Imperial Knight began to open fire as well on the Tau Commander while taking some pot shots at the Stormsurge. The Tau Commander had a very defensible position and was able to exploit the cover he's taken in the ruins with the Drones. Most of the shots bounced of the rubble surrounding them and the commander shrugged off anything that made it through to the squad. Then, with a sweep of it's blade, the Knight charged into the Stormsurge, hoping to run it through, but sadly, the Stormsurge's crew were hardened veterans and were able to side step the charge, taking only passing damage and trying to retaliate in return, which failed.

Turn 3:

The Fireblade steadies his squad's aim!

With the Knight now locked in a battle of titans mere meter away from the Commanders position, it became imperative that the rest of the guard's forces be slowed to allow capture of the module and prevent reinforcements from arriving. Calling in the last of his reserves, the Commander ordered them to begin prioritizing the armor, then the infantry. A desperate fight was beginning to start on the right flank as a team of Hell hound flame tanks had surged forwards with the knights and had incinerated the Pathfinder squad that had been providing marker support for the hunter cadre. Now a team of Stealth suits was trying to punch through their armor and hold the flank. On the other flank, the fire base cadre began to preposition to get line of sight on the two exterminator battle tanks taking cover in an old bombed out building. The Riptide however, was charging towards the guard's defense lines looking to provide a distraction while the other forces advanced.

Getting ready to use some powers of the warp!

The Veteran squad and the Psyker had now reached the center of the plaza and were now disembarking to take the module before the Tau could secure the area. Spotting the Breacher team crawling out of their Devilfish transport which had been crushed under the feet of the charging knight, the Psyker tapped into the the powers of the Warp and let loose a hallowed scream at the lowly fire warriors, many trying to cover their ears only to topple to the ground, pools of blood seeping out from under their helmets. The rest of the squad took up defensive positions in the center of the plaza while they could begin to secure the module. The rest of the Imperial forces were letting lose volley after volley at the advancing Riptide trying to slow it down, but not before it opened up with it's main cannon and shredded the veteran squad's Chimera transport, preventing them from having a quick escape with the module.

Turn 4:

A Tango of Death!

The Tau were now beginning to gain the upper hand it seemed. The Stormsurge crew was expertly dodging the Knight's blade swings and keeping it from doing any more damage to the rest of the Hunter Contingent. The rest of the Tau forces were now cutting down swaths of the guards men and the platoon commander was forced to exit his smoking ruins of a Chimera as it was ripped up by pulse fire from a stealth team. The Two exterminator tanks were finally silenced by a team of Crisis suits and the Ghostkeel finally revealed itself as it cut down one of the two Hell Hound flame tanks. Unfortunately, the Hell Hound squadron finished off the stealth team on the right flank before the Ghostkeel could deliver it's fatal blow one the one tank.

Just before the crossfire!

Dante was injured in the crossfire that erupted as the Tau's forward elements began their cull. One of his guardsmen managed to grab him and through him behind cover just before two pulse shots blasted through his armor and slumped to Dante's feet. The battle was looking grim as he survey the field. The last knight was still locked in a dance of death with the Tau Stormsurge while the last Hell hound was racing towards his position to offer firing support against the Tau battle suits. The Leman Russ Executioner was still functional, trying to through the Tau Commander of balance by saturating the area in plasma blasts. The only other guardsmen alive that Dante could see was the Platoon commander, who was making for cover. The Tau had cut down the Veteran squad, and the whole platoon was wasted. Just then, he heard a beep from the vox pack which was hanging at an odd angle from the dead vox operator. Scrambling over, Dante caught the last bit of the transmission. The Imperial navy was en-route, but they needed to hold the line just a little bit longer. Spotting the Tau Breachers going for the module, Dante snapped an order to the Leman Russ through the vox to bombard the center of the plaza and push the Tau away from the relic. The tank's turret swiveled over to meet the new targeting data that the tank crew was inputting. With a high pitched whine, like every volley before, the Leman Russ let loose with all it's furry into the heart of the plaza. The attack was so fierce, the last few surviving members of the Breacher team fell back as fast as they could.

Turn 5:

Planting the bomb!

As the Tau commander's vision came back to him after the blinding lights dissipated from the plasma blasts in the center of the plaza, he realized to late that there was no one in range of the module. The Breacher team was falling back, the last few members limping away and they seemed badly hurt. The other elements of the Contingent were all now on the far side of the engagement area having all but wiped out the Imperial ground forces. A brief message flashed past on of his screen. The fleet in orbit had picked up a squadron of Imperial flyers en-route after they had broken through the Tau's air blockade. The flyers would be on them before they could secure the area and recover the module. The Commander made the decision right there, that if they couldn't secure the module, then it was better destroyed than in Imperial hands. He sent a quick data burst to the Breacher team with update instructions. They were to plant makeshift explosives on the module using what was left of their gear, and then continue to fall back. The rest of the forces would provide cover.

Tau forces roaming through the plaza!

Dante thought the Tau must be desperate now to take the area as the incoming fire began to intensify from the different battlesuits swarming what had been the Imperial lines. A Devilfish transport had floated out to place itself between the Leman Russ and the center of the plaza, blocking it's field of fire with it's own hull. The tank began to power up it's plasma cannon to destroy the pesky transport. The cannon whined and the plasma blast hit point blank, ripping the hull apart and sending a wave of heated air blowing back into the ruins. Parts of Dante's skin burned as he pulled himself more behind his cover to avoid the rushing blast. As the hover transport came crashing down to the ground, Dante finally realized what the Tau had been up to. The crates containing the module exploded up wards to wards the sky as the Tau's explosives ripped apart any trace of what had once been the module. Dante cursed the Tau as now neither side would be able to control the planet's void shields. This battle had waste precious resources and for nothing! His only consolation was watching as the Imperial Navy squadron blow by over head and torched what was left of the Tau in a blanketing bombardment. 

The final scene...

Final Score: Tau - 11, Imperial Forces - 12


Dante stood in the center of the plaza,smoke and charred corpses surrounding, both Imperial guardsmen and Tau alike, surrounding him. He still couldn't wrap him mind around how the Tau could just destroy something so possibly pivotal to the war on this Imperial world. The hum of Valkyrie engines began to drown out his hearing as the transport began to descend near his position. AS the plane touched down, it's side hatch slide open and an imposing figure stepped out and strode their way to where Dante was standing. With mild disbelief, Dante recognized Ursarkar Creed right away. It was hard to believe the Lord Castellan himself would come here to site of this lost battle. The Commissar gave the Lord the Imperial salute.

"Dante you old dog! Are the Tau becoming a little too much for you in your old age?" Creed smirked as he came to a halt a few paces form Dante.

"It's a good thing you were only sent after the decoy, otherwise this would have truly been a disaster!"

Dante's jaw dropped like he'd been sucker punched in the gut. A decoy! He had been fighting over a Decoy! Creed could see the surprise all over Dante's face and just smiled.

"I had sent in a team of Scions a few days earlier before you deployed your forces. They acquired the components and switched them with fakes. We didn't want to tell you because we wanted the Tau to believe it was still there, buying us time to set up and install the module. You did a great job of forcing the Tau to commit to the battle and now they will think they are safe. But that is a lie and now we will teach them a lesson for their arrogance!"

Creed began to walk back towards the Valkyrie, but then stopped and looked over his should at Dante.
"Are you coming? We've got work to do."