The Weekly Round-Up: May 08

Hey Everyone! Another week has gone by and this week, not much painting has been done, but I've been successful at getting other parts of my hobby done! If you guessed getting a game in, you're absolutely right! I'm already hard at work putting together a new battle report for a game I played this weekend, and it's a good nail biter match between my Tau and the Guard! So look forwards to seeing that get posted in the near future. Also I finally got my hands one a Transformer I've been hunting for since Christmas, and now he's in my collection and completes a part that I'm very happy to have completed. So without any more delay, here's what's happened this week!

First up, Space Marines. I finished doing all the green work, and now I've moved onto the other details on two of the remaining four squad members. I'm still working on the Bolter guns for these guys and getting the reds started on the crests. The last two members have now been undercoated.

Next, Tau. The only other group to really have any progress this week. Both the last Stealth suit and Marker drone have had two coats of metal and are ready for green ink. I've also started to assemble the Piranha from the box set.

Finally, Necrons. The only update for them is that I've finally picked up the Tomb Spyder I need for the list. I'll begin to assemble him this week. I'm excited to have him now, because that means I only have 4 models to assemble and paint before next February. Lost of time!

As for my other hobby, Transformer collecting, I finally got Onslaught, the last member of Bruticus I needed to for the combiner! Bruticus is my absolute favorite combiner, and when they started this line of toys last year, I was hoping they'd do a Generation 1 (G1) version of him. I got all the limb members back at Christmas luckily as they'd just been stocked at a local Toys R Us store, and I snatched them then, but Onslaught was in a different group, and I've just been waiting for him to come out. Finally this week, one of my Co-workers who also likes Transformers and collects a bit himself, called me to tell me he'd seen him, and was able to pick him up for me, thus completing my collection.

The last thing for this week is the coming battle report. So this game was a 2,500 pts match-up between my Tau and my buddies Guard. It's a slightly more narrative game that usually. I was really inspired by the Vox cast this week from Table Top Tactics from their participation  in the No Retreat Tournament which featured games that included both Eternal War Missions elements and Maelstrom of War elements. So I crafted a mission using both game elements for the one we played this weekend. It was a lot of fun and also was the first time I've used the new Tau Contingent battle group, as well as the 3 formations in it, which were the Hunter Cadre, Optimized Stealth Cadre, and the Fire base Support Cadre. All in all, it was a great game and very close the whole time. We actually didn't know who was in the lead or who had won until we tallied up the points at the end of the game. So this was one of those great games, no matter how you look at it! I should have it posted by next week's Round-up, so look for it this week!

Until next time!

Czar Ziggy