Hey Everyone! So, with the saving for my upcoming wedding this year, I'm not buying a lot of new kits. This is really good for me as it's making me catch up on my back log of kits that have been, in some cases, around for 5 or more years! With this week, I've now finished off two armies for the back log and have nothing left for them. That now only leaves three armies to finish their back log! You can bet though, I have many plans for expanding these armies and starting more still! But they will have to wait until after the wedding this summer! So without further adieu, lets get into the updates!
First up, Tyranids. Now, the last 4 Termagants I had left are done. Technically, this army is done for everything I have left, but I've still got 6 spore mines from the Tyranocyte kit that I'm now painting up. I don't really count this as a project, but I want to be thorough. Down the line, I'd like to start working on Zoanthropes and a Hive Crone. But we'll also have to see if there is a new Tyranid codex this year, it might change my priorities.
Next, The forces of the Imperium. The Guard portion of this, are now completed again. I finished the Leman Russ this week and now I have two in the army. There are many directions I could go, and I'm not totally sire yet what I'm going to get next, but I figure it will be more shock troop kits to start bulking out the infantry power. As for the Space Marine side of the projects, the Multi-melta marine is done and I've got two more guys close to being done. There are also tow more guys who now have their first coat of green completed and two more who've been based coated. This squad is the last Marine project, so once they're done, I'll have to decide where to go next. Much like the guard, I need more infantry, and transports. That will probably be my direction for now, but the new flyer that just wen up for pre-order this week looks really cool, so we'll see.
Then Tau. I've assembled and base coated the last Stealth suit member. I've also started base coating another Marker drone I assembled a while back. I've still got one Piranha left to do, and an untold number of drones which I probably will keep assembling to fill out a Drone Net formation.
Finally, Necrons. I did my base coat on the Destroyer this week. Not much else to say about him at the moment. Still have two left and one box of Warriors to do. I still need to get the Spyder for the tournament next year. After that, I'm thinking of getting more Wraiths and Flyers for the Necrons, as well as filling out my Immortals and Deathmark teams.
That's it for this week. Until next time!
Czar Ziggy