Hey everyone! Hope you all enjoyed the last battle report! I didn't post a Round-up last week because I had nothing painted or any progress to share. I was suffering from a bit of burn-out from painting, so I took the week to recharge and get psyched again to do some painting! So this week, I do finally have some progress to share, and a fair amount too!
First up, Necrons. I finished the 4th of 6 Destroyers. I've also now assembled the 5th who is awaiting a base coat. I've now also done some good progress on the Tomb Spyder, as I've now completed the red parts, and I'm now moving on to painting the metal.
Next, Space Marines. I completed two more Tactical marines, and I'm now working on the last two members of the squad.If I keep at a good pace this week, they should be done for the next round-up and then I will be done all my Marine projects.
Then, Tau. I've made some good progress on my new Marker Drone and Stealth suit. I should begin the other colors this week. I've also started painting my new Piranha. I've done the base coat on the main body and started the metal coat. I'm still partially through the base coat on the wings.
Finally, Tyranids. I've now finished the first three of six spore mines, with the last three hopefully done soon. What I'm really excited for though is that I now have a box of Zoanthropes. I've already assembled the Neurothrope and I've begun assembling a Zoanthrope. I'm excited to start working on these guys because my finecast one needs to be retired until I find the time to pin him, since be broke off his base. Plus, since I have the Tyranocyte pod, I can start doing the deep strike plans I've wanted to try with them for quiet some time! I'm hoping to get these guys painted up for a coming game!
SO that's everything for now. Until next time!
Czar Ziggy