Hey Everyone! So some exciting news this week! I've now completed my tournament list for next year! I completed the last Necron Destroyer this week and the wraps up my army building for next years Kingston Championship. Now my only goal is to complete what I have left before the wedding so I can start it all up again afterwards! What I show you all this week is pretty much what's left to complete in 4 weeks! The only thing left, and not pictured, is 1 box of Necron Warriors which, once what is here is complete, I'll start working on. So let's get into the Round-Up!
First Tau. I've started doing the black ink on the Piranha. Not much else was done with him this week.
Next, Forces of the Imperium. More progress has been made on the Guardsmen. They've all been yellow inked today, so I'll begin working on the weapons and boots next. As for the Space Marines, I've started on a new Librarian. I've converted the new plastic clam one, replacing his force staff with what will be a force sword and a combi-melta gun. I'm aiming to make this guy more of a fighting leader monk. I've also finished the green hull and lighter green panels on the Rhino, so next is to give it a green ink wash before starting on the other colors.
Finally, Necrons. As I mentioned in the intro, I completed my last Necron Destroyer. This now means I have a enough models for the Destroyer cult, and I now have everything I need, assembled and painted, to run the list I'm planning on using next February for the Kingston Championship. I'm pretty excited it's all done because usually I'm trying to get everything painted a week before. Now I'm set months in advance and ready to practice with the list I've built to decide if I should tweak gear and stuff.
That's everything for this week! See you all next time!
Czar Ziggy