The Weekly Round-Up: June 12

Hey Everyone! So it's been an interesting week! For the first time, in a very long time, I have bought, built, and fully painted a model, and done it all in ONE week! I'm pretty impressed with myself, and also, it just goes to show that when you're really excited about a kit, you'll work on it until it's done. Also, we're getting into that wonderful time of year again, for me anyways, where E3 (The Electronic Entertainment Expo) is going on. Already they're started putting out new video game trailers and development logs! I also got the best news ever this week, which is that they're making X-Com 2 for the XBOX finally! Which means I'll now have a reason to get an upgrade to the old 360 sitting in my hobby room. But with other games like Mass Effect also in the pipe for the future, I'll be excited to start video gaming again! But anyways, on to the round-up!

First, Necrons. I've started the final steps towards getting the base completed for the Tomb Spyder. I don't think I have many details left to do on the Spyder either, just a little touch up here and there. I also did all the light red coats on the destroyer today. Just have to touch up the dark red and do an ink coat before moving on.

Next, Tyranids. I've now completed the blue ink phase and I'm starting to do the blue highlights. The Neurothrope is done it's highlights, I just have to do them on the other two.

Then, Tau. I've decided that I'm going to paint the Piranha in my Enclaves color scheme. Mainly because I already have 5 in my Empire color scheme, but also because I feel I'll be able to paint it faster in this color scheme as well.

Finally, Imperial Guard. Well, as I stated in the intro, I bought, assembled and painted this model in one week! My first Scout Sentinel. I spent a lot of time on Monday doing my research as to what version I would build, the Scout or the Armored variant, and which weapon. I was pretty confident I was going to take the Auto Cannon, it was more a question of Scout or not. I finally decided on the scout variant mostly because of it's Move Through Cover special rule, which means I won't get immobilized moving through terrain, such as forests or ruins. This model also, is one of the reasons I wanted to start a guard army. They look really cool, and I also now have a nifty formation from the Mont'Ka book to run them in my army (of which I'll need five more minimum to run this formation). I also saw a cool conversion while looking up conversions for Sentinels, which lead me to make a new Veteran Sargent for my Guard.

Anyways, until next week!

Czar Ziggy