Hey Everyone! Another pretty good week for painting as another 4 models are now completed! I also almost had a 5th model completed, but the paint is drying slowly, but I only have to do the dry brushing to finish the base. I've also added two more kits to the project board. So let's get into the Round-Up!
First up, Tyranids. I completed all three of the Zoanthropes this week. Now all my Tyranid projects are done for now.
Next, Tau. Some more progress this week on the Piranha. I've completed the first coat of metal on the main body.
Then, the forces of the Imperium. Here is where all the new kits are! I've added a Space Marine Rhino transport to my project board. I've kitted it out with the squadron command fame upgrade, which is the little sensor box on the front right of the Rhino. I've also added another command squad for my Imperial Guard. So far I've only built 4/5 of the models, (a Vox, a plasma gunner, a melta gunner, and a sniper). I'm saving the last one until I know what I want to make it. I've also made a little more progress on my Veteran Sargent.
Finally, Necrons. I finished the Spyder this week. That now means I have completed another formation for my Championship army. This one is the Conoptek Harvest formation, which contains the Spyder, a squad of Wraiths and a swarm of Scarabs. I also almost finish the 5th Destroyer. All I have to do is the dry brushing on the base and he'll be done. Then, only one more Destroyer to complete their formation.
And that's where I'm at for this week! I'll see you guys next week!
Czar Ziggy