The Weekly Round-Up: June 5

Hey Everyone! So I definitely got a lot done this week. No less than 7 models completed this week. I'm also getting much closer to being done everything in my back log. This week also marks the completing of everything I have for my Space Marines currently. So let's get into the Round-up!

First up, Space Marines. I finished off the last two squad members. With them done, I also went and finished the bases on the whole squad. I save this last step until the end, because I use the texture paint for the bases, and I find it easier to do a whole squad at once than each model individually. So now my 3rd tactical squad is complete and I'm thinking my next addition to this army will be either a Drop Pod or a Rhino transport.

Next, Tyranids. I finished the last 3 spore mines I had in my collection. This now brings me up to 9 of the new plastic mines and I have 8 of the old 3rd edition metal ones as well. I also made some good progress with the Zoanthropes this week. They've all been base coated and I'm almost done doing the black ink on them. Once that's done, it will be onto the carapace and doing the white coats. I'm still super excited to get these guys done and into a game. I've loved these units from the early days of collecting Tyranids, but like many Tyranid units, I've just been waiting for plastic kits to replace the older metal (and now finecast) kits.

Then, Tau. I completed my last Stealth suit and a Marker Drone this week. Now I've just got the Piranha left to finish off all my Tau Projects.

Finally, Necrons. I made some good progress with Necrons this week. I've just got just a little more detail work work to do on the Tomb Spyder. I've also decided to add some Scarabs to it's base to make it a little more characterful. I've also completed the base coat and almost the first coat of red on the 5th destroyer. So all in all, this was a pretty good week for getting stuff done. I know I'm starting to break out of my painting burn-out as I've wanted to get some painting done in the morning now, which hasn't been the case for almost two weeks. So, until next week!

Czar Ziggy.