Hey Everyone! I'm finally back to the blog! I guess I've just been taking a little holiday from doing 40k over the past three months. With pretty much everything finished before the wedding, I took some time to focus on some of my other pass times, namely video gaming.
So, to pick up where we left off, the wedding went very well. It was a superbly wonderful day being surround by friends and family as Elise and I tied the knot. We took a short little mini moon afterwards down to the states. I also picked up an Xbox 1 after the wedding. So you can see where I started doing more video gaming. I picked up the bundle with fallout 4 and put in a lot of hours on that. I also continued to collect more of the transformers combiner wars figures over the summer as well. This coming week X-Com 2 comes out for the X-box 1 and I will be quite busy playing a lot of that!
About a week ago I finally hot back into the hobby. Last Friday, I went down to my local games workshop store to rekindle my passion. I'd been saving up money for when I decided I wanted to get some new kits and took it with me in case something caught my eye. I spent about 2 hours there milling about, watching some games and looking over the product. I had looked at some of the new Death Watch models and I was starting to feel drawn to them. Finally, I asked to look at the new Death Watch Codex. I flipped right over the to formation army page. I skimmed it over to see what the minimum army composition was. I was impressed to find that I could afford the three kits I wanted and the codex. The video was the last one in the store, so I knew I had to make a decision fairly quickly. So, I went with it. I got a kill team box, the chaplain, and the Corvus flyer (which is such a cool model and pretty much 80% why I wanted this army).
Now, I've played two games in the past week. Neither unfortunately will be getting battle reports. The first one was a fluffy hold the line match between my attacking Tyranids and a defending force of Space Marines. Then yesterday I went town to Kingston to test out my tournament force. Not realizing however a pre-release magic the gathering was going on, and that represents were only two tables left out of 20, I ended up doing a 2v2 match teaming up with my buddy Josh against two other guys at the club. We each brought 1000 pts to the table and it was a lot of fun. We only got two rounds in though as Josh had a prior engagement and had to go. I still got to test out the synergy between my stalker and destroyers, which was pleasing.
As for what I've been working on, of course I have my new Death Watch force. I've also been working on the last box of Necron Warriors and the Terrain.
Any ways, I should be back now to a once a week update now that I'm back into the swing of things. See you all next week!
Czar Ziggy