Hey Everyone! So, no update last week as I was out of town visiting my family for thanksgiving. This week it's all painting progress! I'm not sure if it's a lot really. I think it's hard for me to tell with the Death Watch models if I've made a lot of progress or if I haven't because I'm trying very hard to really push myself in doing all the little details with these guys. But either way, I have made progress!
First up, Necrons. I've almost finished the first guys base. The Second guy now just needs his gloss coat then the basing. The third guy just got his first light red coat. I have one more that has now had his dark red coat and two more that have had their black base coat. So I'm starting to actually push through these guys. I've told myself I will not start anything else in my back log until they are done, so I'm hoping that in the next 2-3 weeks, all 12 Warriors will be done!
Finally, Death Watch. Really it's all detail work with these guys. I'm making progress on the flyer, getting the silver text parts inked and then I will start doing the gold trim around them. I'm also working on getting the red coats done before inking and highlighting them. As for the individual guys, I've been working on the beige part of the cloaks this week, and getting the faces done. I've also been working on the brown for all the straps and pouches on each guy. I've also still been doing the highlights over the black armor. Most of the work this week was on the Terminator, as I've completed the black ink for the armor, and the silver for his power fist. Now I'm working on the red parts of his weapons and his eye lenses.
Anyways, that's it for this week. I now have the Kill team and the Neophyte Armor Claw set in my back log. The Neophyte set I got to add to my guard, though I may use some of the cultist heads for conversion, but I'm not starting a Genestealer Cult army...yet. I just like the set because it gets me a squad and a transport for cheaper than getting them individually. Plus it helps to keep growing my mechanized force getting both at the same time.
Until next week!