Hey Everyone! So, not a super busy week as I'm still getting back onto the painting train. The big event for me this week was X-Com 2 coming out for the X-box 1 and I had two days off this week from work. So I played X-Com a lot this week. (Though I still haven't beat the game yet, I'm on the last level.) But I still did a bit of painting so I have some progress to show off, as well as the product of my other hobby for the past year. So let's get into it!
So for the first part, I want to show off the product of this past year's collecting of Transformers figures. This has been a lot of fun because for me, I like the thrill of the hunt! This past year's toy line from Hasbro has been Combiner Wars, a toy line dedicated to the groups or teams of Transformers that merge together to form larger robots. For the Toy line, each team consisted of 1 large central body, 4 limbs, and 1 tiny add-on (either a weapon or armor). So 6 toys all together that form one giant robot! Well, I've pretty much got them all. I've got two left that are special collections and come in big sets that I want to get by the end of the year, and one guy who I'm missing two members to complete. The rest, I own in their entirety. To say the least, I am very happy with this collection!
Next, I made another Warhammer purchase this week! I picked up the Kill Team box set which I'm pretty excited about. This will go towards making Tactical squad #4 and my second Tau Breacher team. As well, I know have the rules for playing Kill Team games, so there might be a battle report down the road for this! Also, It came with another copy of the core 7th edition rule book, so now I have a spare I can take to games when I travel.
Finally, the painting progress for this week! I've added two more models to my Death Watch army now. I picked up a Watch Master and also I built a Terminator out of some spare parts laying around. As for the painting progress this week, most of it has been on the Watch Master, but I have been continuing to flesh out the details on all the models in this force. I'm aiming to bring my "A" game to paint each model the best it can be. This will be such a small army as it is, that I think every model deserves a top notch paint job and not an assembly line rush.
Speaking of assembly line rush, I'm almost done the first of 12 Necron warriors.
And that's where I'm at this week! I don't plan on starting the Kill team models until the Necron warriors are done, giving me incentive to complete them and be done with them. Until next week!
Czar Ziggy