The Weekly Round-Up: Oct 23

Hey Everyone! So a pretty productive week for me painting wise! I was just really motivated to get stuff done and I have a few models to show for it. I'm still trying to push through those Necron Warriors and I'm holding up good for not starting anything new until they are at least 2/3 done or fully completed. So let's get into the Round-Up!

First up, Necrons. This is probably my best progress in a while. I've now got 4 warriors done, one more almost done and two more one the way to being done. I have been powering through these guys because I really want to start new stuff, and because I won't buy anymore Necrons until these guys are done as well. With rumors of big Christmas gift sets that are similar to the Get Started! bundles, I want to be sure I can add a few more Necrons onto the to do list if they get a set.

Lastly, Death Watch. I'm also making some great success here as well. I've started doing more of the detail work on the flyer, and it's coming along very nicely. As for the Veteran squad, They're pretty much done. I need to go and pick up some Blackfire Earth texture paint so I can complete my "martian" bases I want to do for these guys. I discovered this weekend that my little pot of it had dried out, so I'll have to go get some more. If not for that, they'd be done. As for the Chaplain, Watch  Master and Terminator, these guys are almost done too. The Watch Master is pretty much done, just another check to make sure all the details are done. The Chaplain has a few more details to complete and then he'll be done. The Terminator is more than half way done, as I'm still fleshing out his details.

And that's it for this week. If I keep on my roll for completing Necron Warriors, I might have some new stuff on the board for next week. We'll see!

Czar Ziggy