The Weekly Round-Up: Nov 6

Hey Everyone! Sorry for no update last week. I was busy painting and before I looked at the clock it was well past my bed time and when you drive for a living, well, you need your sleep. So I've got two weeks worth of updating to show here. And I'm quite excited about this update! I've now pretty much finished my Deathwatch army (as it's going to be for now) and I'm pretty close to finishing my last 4 Necrons warriors. That means, I've started adding new projects to the board and pretty much every army has something on the go right now! So let's get into the review!

First up, Necrons. So, as I've mentioned, the first eight of twelve warriors are now done. That just means four more to go and then all my current Necron projects will be done. I intend to grab some more Immortals for my next project as I want to fill out the rest of my two current squads.

Next, Tau. Tau are now back on my project board as I start working on my Kill team box set. I've decided to build them as my second squad of Breachers, since I already have 6 squads of Strikers. The only one I've built so far is modeled after the Cadre Fireblade pose.

Then, Forces of the Imperium. These guys are back on the project board with lots on the go. I picked up one of the Genestealer Cult Hybrid claws sets which gives me a squad and a transport, plus the cult upgrade sprue. So, I'm definitely using the sprue to make some more unique looking Guardsmen. Plus, I picked up my next Scout Sentinel yesterday. This one I have decided will be my Formation leader for the Recon formation for the Guard. I've also started working on my fourth Space Marine Tactical Squad. So far just the Sargent with his combi-melta. I plan on doing a melta gun soldier and a Las-cannon soldier for this squad (unless I pick up another Devastator Squad set for the multi-meltas, but that's unlikely as I figure my next purchase will be a Land speeder so I can start getting some formations up and running for my Marines.

Followed by, Genestealer Cult. I've decided to help paint my buddy Josh's cult as this will be technically his third army. He has some Marines, but they aren't in use at the moment. So he decided he wanted a color scheme based off of Cthulhu. So, based off of some of the art work I've seen, this means they will be mostly green tones with brown and yellow accents. For the main line infantry however, we're also going to do armor themed off of Dr. Zoidberg. So this will be red cloth and white armor plates. This will be a fun project and will get a new army in for future battle reports.

Finally, Death Watch. As I mentioned in the introduction, these guys are almost done as a force. The Veteran Squad, Watch Master, Chaplain, and Terminator are now all done. All I have left is the Corvus Drop ship to complete. I feel I'm about half way done painting it, so it will be a few more weeks still to complete it.

And a side notes as well this week, I have other projects that have been on the go as well. I'm prodding away at getting my terrain painted up. I've now got a few sections of my pipe relay completed and I've started painting up one of the buildings I got back in the summer. I also lucked out this past weekend while visiting my friend Josh in Kingston to collect his army for painting. Someone was selling off some parts of their collection and I managed to score a copy of the Tempestus Scion codex supplement for a mere $14. After flipping through it, there is a very good chance I might expand this force to be a stand alone, especially given the fact they have their own start collecting set which will help me quickly collect more squads and transports. It will just mean that the main Guard force will have to wait a bit for their own flyers as I would fill out at least three more for this scions first to run their air borne assault formation.

And sadly, I have no new Tyranids. I'm at a loss to decide what is more important for them to get right now, and would really love to see some kind of supplement or codex that gives them their own "Decurrion" formation army to direct my expansion as it has with every other army which has one. At this point, I figure it will be a big bug, just not sure which one yet. But until next week!

Czar Ziggy