The Winter Refresh

Hey everyone! Again long time no post. Life has been rather busy and hectic the past several weeks. Real life keeps getting in the way of painting and posting. This will probably be last post for 2016 as I'm still going to be pretty busy right into January. So let's get into the Refresh!

First up, Tau. I've been able to get my hands on the Tau Christmas box set, the Battleforce   Targeted Reconnaissance Cadre. Look forwards to some cool looking stuff from that in the new year. My plan is to paint the Commander, Devilfish, and Ghostkeel from this set in my green Empire color scheme. The stealth team, Broadside, and Pathfinder team (which I'm going to covert into a Striker team) will be in my Enclaves color scheme. I'm pretty excited. I've also completed my Team lead for my Breachers squad and now working on my second guy.

Next, Forces of the Imperium. I've completed my new Sentinel. I've also completed my new squad sergeant. I'm now working on the Vox operator and the Chimera transport. I've also completed the Space Marine sergeant. I'm now working on the Melta gunner and my Landspeeder.

Then, Necrons. I'm still working away on the Warriors. I've got three left, one just needs the base to be painted, one is on their second cost of light red and the last one needs his first chat of light red.

Otherwise, I'm still working away on my terrain pieces and I also picked up a copy of the planetary assault book which I would like to try and play a campaign of. So that's where I'm at. I wish everyone the best over the holidays and I look forwards to posting again in January!

Czar Ziggy