The January Round-Up

Hey everyone! So this is going to be my only post for January. It's actually the first weekend I've even been home this whole month! However, I do have hobby stuff to show off this week! To that end, I've been trying to get enough time at my desk go keep moving my projects along. I'm very thankful that I designed and completed my tournament force early last year. Also having tested it so I won't have to scramble over the next few weeks to change anything. We are also less than 1 month away from the Kingston club championship! And on a side note, I might just have to start a Chaos Marine army now because having flipped through the new Traitor Legions supplement, I can see myself playing an Alpha Legion force. But anyways, onto the Round-Up!

First up, Tau! I'm still working away on both the new Commander and the Breacher squad. I think the Commander is about 80% done. The Commander part of the model just needs a few touch-ups and then the gloss. Other than that, I just have to finish the base. I plan on doing black around parts of the cannon barrels and a little battle scarring/damage. Then some sand and grass and he'll be ready for battle. As for the Breachers, I'm working on the 4th team member. He's about half way done and coming along nicely.

Next, Tyranids! Or, in this case, Tyranid. I'm still working on the Hive Crone. I've now finished his black skin and I've moved on to the carapace. I just completed the second coat of blue ink. I'll be looking forwards to completing this model as I just can't seem to stop staring at it. I'm truly amazed by my conversion job, in particular the head. It's actually my favorite part of the kit in general, and I think it really fits what I want in a Hive Crone to make it truly terrifying on the battlefield.

Lastly, forces of the Imperium. Lots of working being done here! Starting with the Corvus Blackstar transport I'm still working on. I finally got around the doing the highlights. I'm still not done yet, but at least I've started. Keeping with the Marines, I've also completed the Land speeder now. This completed an auxiliary formation for my Salamanders force and gets me one model closer to completing a second formation. I'm also still working away on my Lascannon Tactical Marine. He's about 90% done. Just need to do the base and a few touch ups. Moving onto the Guard, I'm now working on squad members 4 and 5. I finished number 3 from the last post. Squad mate 4 is also about 90% done and just needs a few final details and the base to be done. I just started 5 today and he's only got his base coat done.

So that's where I'm at for January. I'm leaving on my Honeymoon this Friday and gone for a week which I why this is the only post this month. I might get 1 more post in before the Championship next month and then I'll be recapping that event! It will also mark the most I've played in quite some time, so hopefully I'm not to rusty going into the tournament. Anyways, until next time!

Czar Ziggy