Welcome 2017; New year, more hobby

Hello everyone and happy 2017! First blog post of the year and I'm excited to share what's going on with my project board and what's waiting in the wings in my backlog! It was a great Christmas this year and many new hobby items were added! I hope you all had a great time over the holidays and hope you all got to spend time with family and friends. So without any further delay, let me show you guys what I'm up to!

First up, Forces of the Imperium. I've now finished my Vox team member of my Guard squad and I'm now working on a regular team member. I've also finished my Melta gunner for my new Marine squad and have now begun working on my Lascannon team member. I've also made a fair bit of progress on my Landspeeder. I'm about 75% done, and I'm fleshing out some of the last details like insignia's and lights and lenses, plus a few touch-ups.

Next, my Tau. I'm really having a great time with these projects! I've completed my second Breacher team member and am working on the third now. What I'm most excited about however is my new Battlesuit Commander! This guy is going to be leading my Retaliation Cadre of deep striking battlesuits and I've modeled him after one of my new favorite pieces of art from the new codex. It's a pretty epic pose and I'll be looking forward to getting him into some games once he's all painted up.

Then, my Tyranids. It's been quite a while since I've had some of these guys on the board and this project has me even more excited than the Tau Commander. I've decided to make a conversion to represent one of the Tyranid codex options I don't have yet. This guy is going to represent a Hive Crone. However, I've made him using primarily a Tyrgon kit, with Hive Tyrant wings and the Weapons of the normal Hive Crone kit. I think he looks far cooler and more intimidating than the regular kit, and is also more cost effective for the parts! I've also got a new Tervigon waiting in the wings once this guy is completed.

Finally, my Necrons. I actually forgot to take a picture of the squad, but the Warriors are all done now. This means that everything on my board as of now is only at most 4 months old. My entire backlog of the past few years is now complete and everything now is brand new. Also, since I haven't started it yet, I also have a new Necron flyer waiting to be done. This one will be the fighter set-up, known as the Doom Scythe. This also marks the first army to have 3 flyers! So I'm pretty excited about that!

So that's where I start the year off in 2017. I'm curious about the new campaign coming from Games Workshop this month for the Fall of Cadia. I'm hoping there is a new Imperial Guard Codex to go with it. It also sounds like it will be an exciting year for hobby as this is Warhammer 40K's 30th birthday. Games Workshop has been talking about having a lot of exciting hobby stuff this year and that every army will be getting new stuff this year! So I look forward to all the celebrations! And with that, I wish you all the best for 2017!

As a side note, blog entries this month will be very light as most weekends this month I will be travelling, so I'll be back to my normal weekly schedule in February. Until next time!

Czar Ziggy