Hey Everyone! It's been awhile now hasn't it? Well, lots of things have been going on, both in real life and in my hobby time. Last weekend, for those of you keeping track, was the Kingston Club Championship. This year, I decided to bring my Necrons in a proper Decurrion detachment and give it a go! I ended up with 2 wins and 6 losses, though 2 of those losses were pretty close and came down to the dice. However, this year, I also won one of the door prizes and it has now lead to me starting my 7th official army, (9th technically,) which is the Eldar! So I've got some great progress shots for what I've been working on over the last month or so. 2017 is going to be another great year of hobby! So let's get into the review!
First up, Forces of the Imperium. The first part of this section will be for the Deathwatch. I've now completed the Corvus Drop-ship to a point I'm happy with. While I may go back later and do some touch-ups, it is done. Which means, as it stands, my Deathwatch army is completed. I don't have any more real plans to expand it. I am hoping now to get a game in with them and see how it goes. Who knows, it might lead me to wanting to get some more guys. Or I might make some of my Space Marines honorary members for some missions. Speaking of Space Marines, I've also finished Tactical Marine #4 and have started on #5. As for my Guard, I'm still working on another guardsmen.
Next, Tau. I've completed my new Commander. I might go back and add a little more detail to the smoke, but for now he is done. I've now begun working on my second Ghostkeel and I'm working on Breacher #5.
Then, Necrons. These guys have some big things going on. First, I've got a new flyer on the board being built. This one will be my first Doom Scythe. So far, the last 2 have been transports, but now I'm going to build the fighter version. And the bigger news for these guys is that I now have a Tesseact Vault! This is one of the Necron Lords of War options for the army and I've decided after chatting with the folks at the tournament to build it as the Vault and not the Oblesk. The funny thing about this kit however, is that it's not that hard to put together, and should only be a pain to paint because of it's size, not because of any really tiny details or anything. I can't wait to get it done and put it on the table!
And now, Tyranids. I'm still working on my Hive Crone conversion. He's done the blue inking and just needs the light blue highlights before I move on to the copper stage.
And Finally, Eldar. So, I won the Get Started! Eldar set at the tournament. So this will jump start on of two armies I wanted to start, (the other being Admech.) I already had a color scheme in mind, that of the Protoss from Starcraft. So I've cracked out the Farseer and started putting some paint to him. This should be an interesting army to build and eventually use. Ironically, my first 2 losses were against Eldar in the tournament, and they've given me ideas on what I want in the army. Though, like most of my armies, it will still be mostly focused on being mechanized.
So, for a quick recap of the tournament;
Round 1) against Eldar and Dark Eldar allies. Long story short, I got beta-striked on turn 2 and it was a massacre form there.
Round 2) against Eldar. I ended up divided and conquered while being out maneuvered and he took all the objectives.
Round 3) against Orks. I wanted to kill the Stompa, I should have killed the rest of the army instead. (It had 3 hull points left out of 12...)
Round 4) against White Scars Space Marines. I pushed up one flank to counter his wide spread deployment and wiped out his forces.
Round 5) against a full Knight Army. Could have been a draw if the game had ended on turn 5. However, it went on to turn 7 and he took one more objective to swing the match.
Round 6) against Demons of Khorn. I realized we were going to run out of time and went for a last ditch objective grab which worked. I won the game.