Hey Everyone! So exciting week for me. I got to pick up my copy of Shadow Wars: Armageddon yesterday. I played one game (against myself) to figure out the mechanics of the game. I had a lot of fun playing through that practice round. For me though, the bigger excitement is the new terrain that comes in the kit. I'm a huge fan of 'city fight' and I want to one day have a proper 'city fight' table. The new kits in this game are just incredible! They are very modular and interact perfectly with the existing Promethean pipe kits that are already out. They are going to be near the top of my list for getting painted. Anyways, let's get into the Round-Up!
First, Terrain! I've assembled all but the catwalks for the new Shadow Wars set. I ran out of grey paint for base coating before assembling them, and only got some today before being out of the house all day. I'm looking forward to getting some paint on them by the next update. I've also started to flesh out some details now on my other building from before, such as the lights and the cog.
Next, Tyranids. I've pretty much completed my copper parts for the Hive Crone. Now all I have left is the base and the green details.
Then, Genestealer Cult. I've been working on and off on my buddy's Cult forces. I thought I'd show off some of the progress I've had with them. I've got the Broodlord and his Pure Strain Genestealers. As well, I've got the Primus, a Neophyte Hybrid, and an Aberrant. We're going for a Cthulhu theme with deep-sea themed bases. I like where these are going.
Then, Tau. I have completed the metal coats for my new Breacher and the drone and have begun the green ink phase.
Then, Necrons. Got a little more done this week. I finished my first coat of red on my Doom Scythe. I've also done a coat of metal on the core of my Tesseract Vault.
Finally, Armies of the Imperium. I didn't actually progress with any more painting on my current guys, but I did start my new Kill Team Scout Sergeant for Shadow Wars! I got inspired by one of the example guys in the rule book gallery.
So that's all I have for this week. I'll be out of town next weekend for Easter, so there may not be an update. But I will definitely have one the week following Easter. I'm also thinking of revisiting the "My Armies" series of articles to take a look at my Guard after 3 years of collecting them. They have become quite a large force since I started with only a Chimera and a Command squad box. Also, since I got more Orks with the Shadow Wars set, there will be more Orks now in my collection.
Until next time!
Czar Ziggy