The Weekly Round-Up: Apr 2

Hey Everyone! Long time no post. It's been very busy the past month. But I have a good update for you all! I have been still doing a fair bit of painting and I'm happy to say that I was able to pre-order a copy of Shadow Wars: Armageddon! I feel very accomplished for getting a copy since it sold out in Canada in under 9 minutes! I'm looking forward to next weekend when it arrives so I can begin to assemble, paint the terrain, and start trying out the campaign. Anyway, on to the update!

First up, Armies of the Imperium. I finished my new squad of Guardsmen. I decided to make a last minute change and give them a heavy weapons team. This is the first squad that was designed to be played together as they are themed with the cult upgrade sprue. I also made a new Vox caster, which rounded out my existing squads. I now have four full 10-man teams, and three Chimera transports. I'll need to pick up another transport, so that every squad has one. I also picked-up another Tech Command boxset which gives me a new Tech-priest and Leman Russ battle tank. I've started work on the Tech-priest, while I will probably start the tank a little later. I have decided though that the tank will be set up as a regular battle tank with only a hull mounted weapon and no sponsons. As for my Space Marines, I finished Marine #4 and #5. Marine #6 is about halfway done. I've also started my first Sternguard Veteran squad. I'm about 75% done the Sargent and just finishing the green stage for the heavy flamer marine.

Next, Necrons. I've now completed the red stage for the core part of the Tesseract Vault. I've also started the base coat for my Doom Scythe.

Then, Tau. I finished Breacher #5. I've now begun working on Breacher #6 and the Guardian drone.

Next, Eldar. I have now completed my Farseer. I decided to do a winter theme for the bases. I have begun to paint the first jet bike.

Then, Tyranids. I've made some progress with my Hive Crone. I've now completed the blue carapace and I've about half way through the copper stage. I've also done half of the green parts. He's coming along very nicely.

Finally, my Terrain projects. I've recently acquired a Sky Shield Landing pad. I finished my last pipe section for my pipe relay. I've also finally finished the black ink for my smaller building and now I've begun painting in the details.

Hopefully, things are going to quiet down in the next few weeks and my posts will become more regular. With any luck, I can get the Shadow Wars game up and running and maybe post a battle report about it. Until next time!

Czar Ziggy