The Weekly Round-Up: Apr 30

Hey Everyone! So, I feel this week was a productive one indeed! I managed to get all four of those Marines done and the Tech-Priest. On top of that, a few more models are also almost done. Games Workshop's approach to hyping the new 8th edition has me eager to complete what I have left so that I'm ready and able to pick up some new stuff after I start playing it! Also, I might be a step closer to starting Dropfleet Commander. I was visiting a local store this past week, and to my surprise, they were carrying physical items for Dropfleet. So after a brief inquiry, The person in charge of ordering said they try and get me what I was looking for. I've wanted to get into a ship combat game, but haven't been sold on X-wing just yet. (I'm more of a Star Trek fan anyways.) It may be a few months before I can acquire them however. So let's get into the Round-Up!

First up, Space Marines! So, as I mentioned in the intro, I completed the last four squad members, This means my fourth full squad of Tactical Marines are done. Next on the list will be to start pushing forwards on my Sternguard and the new Scouts. I still have a Storm Talon in the line-up to be done, but I'm going to wait until 8th drops to see whether it should be that or a Storm Hawk. I picked it up to completed some of the Space Marine formations, but I want to see what is staying and what is going in the new edition. I like the look of the Hawk better, but either way, I need to know about the formations before I build it.

Next, Imperial Guard. This week, I completed the Tech-Priest. With him done, I've begun work on the next project which is my Heavy Weapons Teams. I'm going to fill out the rest of the squad with Missile Launchers just like the first one I did. I still have a Leman Russ in the line-up as well, but it's the same deal for him as the Storm Talon. I'll wait for 8th to drop and re-evaluate from there.

Then, Tau. I'm almost done my current Breacher and the Guardian Drone. I few little clean ups and detail work and they should be done for the next blog post. Also, the Ghostkeel is coming along just nicely and I should begin doing the beige parts soon.

Finally, Terrain. I'm making some more progress with my new kits. I'm trying to keep it simple and fast. Soon, I might have enough to do some cool battle reports here at my house which might get some more up onto the blog. I haven't had to many chances to play lately, so when I can, I'd like to get a new battle report up for the blog.

Any ways, until next week!

Czar Ziggy