Hey Everyone! So this post is a day later than normal, but that's because it's a long weekend and I got an extra day to paint before posting. It's been a productive week for me. More models completed and off the board, and new ones coming in to take their place. I'm also hoping we're getting closer to the reveal of when the new edition comes out. Games Workshop seem to really be out doing themselves with what they've released so far, and it has me really excited. It looks like the game will be getting quicker, while at the same time, it looks to be getting a lot more bloodier. And, if they do manage to make most of the armies balanced in this edition, or at least make my Tyranids better off, I will be too thrilled to use all my armies. Any ways, on to the Round-Up!
First Tau. This is where all the action is this week! I completed the last four Breachers and the new squad turret. That means that everything from the Kill Team box set I bought last fall is done! And I now have a full second squad of Breachers that I need to get to the field! Also for Tau, I've begun work on my new Command Devilfish. This beauty was suppose to be for the Rapid Response Cadre of 3 Striker/Breacher teams and Pathfinders. But since Games Workshop is doing away with formations in the new edition, I'm just finally making the Command Devilfish I've been meaning to do for more than 10 years since they mentioned one in the old Apocalypse book. It's also one of the projects I can do right now without knowing what's going to change for Tau stats in the new edition because It doesn't really have any options for weapons.
Next, Eldar. I started to actually do more painting on this guy. I'm starting to like the color scheme a bit more now, as I was flipping and flopping over my initial colors. An addition of an ink wash makes it better.
And finally, Guard. So, almost like my first one, this Sentinel is probably going to be done in a week. I only put him together on Thursday night, and he's almost done. Most of the painting I've done since yesterday. This will round out my squad of Sentinels to three, which is how I want to run them. Again, like the Devilfish, they were intended to be a six strong formation, with two squads of three. But since there will be no formations, I'll cap the squad here until I see the stats in the new edition and I'll go from there.
So that's where I'm at this week. All in all, I feel it was pretty productive and I look forwards to seeing where I'm at next week! Until Next time!
Czar Ziggy