The Weekly Round-Up: May 28

Hey Everyone! It's going to be a fairly short update this week. I do have one completed model, and a few more on the go. Games Workshop is still continuing to release more information about the new 8th edition everyday, and it is keeping me pumped! The official release date is June 17th, and I look forwards to getting my copy of the rules and starting to get some games in! Anyways, let's get into the update!

First Imperial Guard. This is the completed model this week. My third Scout Sentinel. I'm not sure what I'll be doing now with them as the formation is gone. I love this model a lot, so I'll still add some more, just maybe not right away since I don't need six now. Also, fun note about this guy, the red wolf symbol on it is a reference to Clan Wolf from Mech Warrior. It's a spare Space Wolf icon I had left from the Landspeeder kit and I thought it would be nice on this guy.

Next, Tau. Still working on those drones. Almost done the green ink and then the brown will be next.

Then Eldar. Working away on my last Jet bike from the starter set.

Finally, Necrons. It's been awhile since I've had them on here. I finally got back to working on the Doom Scythe. I'm almost done the red ink, and then it will be onto the metal bits and the guns.

And that's pretty much it for this week. We are less than a month away from a new edition and I am just super excited. Until next week!

Czar Ziggy