So, it's time to show off what I'm currently working on. There are a couple of projects on the go. Currently they are all 40k projects (minus one), but I do have some Drop-verse projects coming one I clear a few active projects out.
First up, we have my new Ork Beastboss on Squigosaur. I'm still in the process of converting him to my vision for the model. I'm looking to create a note scenic base than I normally would since he is a character and I want him to be a central figure in the army. My plan is to create a scene where the boss is standing over a toxic reservoir while commanding his troops to advance. I've made a few alterations to the model itself, combining bits from both builds, (as the alternate build for this kit is a character named Mozrog) and also including a few bits from my other beast snagga kits to personalize the look.
Next up, I have my first Mauler Fiend for my Alpha legion chaos marines. I've modeled a sort of industrial scene for him, again being a larger and more scenic piece for the collection. Not a lot of heavy converting here. Just the use of some pipes in the base, the rest of the kit being built as per the instructions. I did shave one of the spikes off the neck to allow him to look more to his right.
Following on from there, I'm also working on a unit of Chaos Chosen. These guys are a squad of veterans. Some light converting work to personalize the load outs.
Then we have a squad of Imperial guard. These are actually to fill out two existing squads in my collection. The standard bearer is to finish a command squad, the rest are to compete a special weapons team of plasma gunners. The most heavily converted is the plasma gunners herself, with bionic legs being used from my Admech spare parts. The rest are made from existing bits, though some have been cut and moved to compete the poses.
Next, we have my third Drukarii Venom. This one is intended for my Coven forces and the personal transport for my Homunculus. A few parts are pulled from the raider/ravager kit to decorate the hull with trophies. The pilot and gunner are the suggested bits from the Wracks kit to sub in from the standard witches.
Then we have my first squad of Eldar rangers. I'm a big fan of sniper units, so these guys are must haves for me. No real conversions here, the odd part swapped between poses, but mainly built as per instructions.
And finally, for 40k, a squad of Tau Fire Warriors being repainted to my metallic color scheme from the original scheme. It's part of my ongoing project to update the bases of my Tau units and bring a few of the older units up to date in the color scheme.
The last project to mention is my two D&D characters. One is my Gealyn, my character from Tammeraut's Fate, the other is my Character for our upcoming campaign Stix and Stones.
So that's what is going on at the moment. And as I mentioned before, I've got some Drop-verse projects in the pipe for once I clear some of these guys off my project board.
Until next time.