The Relaunch of The Outpost!


Hey Everyone!

It has been a long time! And a lot has changed since I last posted in this blog. (A little over 5 years!) I've bought a house, changed a few jobs, and became a father! Plus we've all been going through Covid for the past few years. So I'm excited to return to the blog to continue chronicling my hobby journey!

Rest easy, I have still been painting and doing some playing over the time since my last post. Old armies have expanded, and new factions have been added. And now that I've also figured out my photo hosting, which had previously been through Photobucket when they were free, I can post pictures again of my work. I also plan to create a gallery of my completed works. Also, I intend to keep posting about my painting mostly, but I might begin to include short stories as well. I have been rather active with a group of friends over the last few years playing Dungeons & Dragons, and I have wanted to try my hand at weaving our epic sessions into a story format. We just finished a 2+ year long campaign and are at a great place to begin new tails and jump into the world we've created.

So look forward to more posts by myself as a come back to the blog! 

So that's where I'm at. Until next time!

Czar Ziggy