Outpost Update: August 23, 2022


Hey everyone!

It's been a little busy for me over the past month. I haven't gotten to many things painted since my last workbench update, but I did complete a few things so I will post an update once I can gather my pictures. 

I'm also beginning to catalogue my hobby collection for a coming gallery section to the blog. The gallery will have each unit and a brief description of their background and lore.

As for my D&D shorts, I've now completed the whole run for our one-shot Tammeraut's Fate story. This was my first attempt to write a narrative based on my D&D groups adventures. It was a lot of fun and I will be starting the next installment with Styx & Stones.

Styx & Stones will follow our new characters as we venture the rings of hell in search of a way to stop the evil Fraz-Urb'luu from achieving his nefarious schemes. We've already begun to play our sessions, so I have some catching up to do!

Until next time!