Tammeraut's Fate (Part 6)


The golden hues of the sun cast a beautiful array of yellows, oranges, and reds across the evening sky. It was getting on the dinner hour when the magical ship of the Gunnards arrived at the port of Uskarn. The voyage back from Fire Watch Island had been a rather silent and slightly somber one. Erme had taken the time to do an inventory of the magical items and other trinkets the group had recovered from the hermitage. Finn had helmed the boat and kept her course true to the port. Everyone had tried to keep their distance from Plague, less they became coated in the flies that surrounded him. As the ship made port, a crowd began to gather at their approach.
All those on the boat, save Gealyn himself who was still masquerading as Morley, had wondered about Gealyn's fate on the island. Erme secured the ship to the dock and a few of the dock hands lowered a gang plank to the ship's deck. The crew began to file off the ship. The onlooking crowd began to mingle with the Gunnards and the survivors, inquiring about what was happening on the island. Gealyn, still disguised as Morley, was approached by one of the villages who looked very surprised to see Morley.

"You've got some serious stones coming back to town!" the villager said. "Marius'll have your hide for the debt you owe him!"

Hearing this, Gealyn decided it was time to stop his charade. He shifted back into his normal form right in the middle of the crowd. There were a few gasps and murmurs from those surrounding him in the crowd, but it was Jenore's reaction that was the most notable. She began to sob as she realized what had transpired.

The rest of the Gunnards gathered around Gealyn to welcome him back, relived to know he was still with them.

"You really had us there!" Finn said with a hint of relief in his voice.

"Don't you ever do that again!" Erme said, scolding Gealyn. "Look what you've done to Jenore!"

"She'll get over it." Gealyn said dryly. "We didn't have time to waste looking for the fool, and by the sounds of it, I did him a favor."

"Yes..." Finn started but was interrupted by the hushing of the crowd as a new figure approached the group.

The crowd parted as this new individual approached. This new individual did not slow down and the crowd did not hesitate to get out of his way. He came to a stop right in front of the Gunnards. He wore a well polished set of armor and had a stern look to his face. The group could tell he was sizing them up. Finally, after a moment he addressed the party;

"You lot will come with me." he said in a serious tone. He then turned on his heel and began walking away. Left a little bewildered, Finn, Erme, Gealyn, and Plague stood there. One of the villagers leaned into the group and spoke in a hushed voice;

"That's Feldrin Kane. He's the bailiff. And he doesn't tolerate disobedience. I'd get a move on if I was you."

Gealyn shrugged his shoulders then said; "Alright, I guess we'll follow."

The group started walking and left the crowd that was gathered around the docks. Erme waved Jenore and Barret to follow and the two made their best pace forward to keep up.

After a brief walk from the docks, and through a courtyard, they made their way over to one of the larger buildings. The building was likely originally intended to be some kind of watch fort for the navy, now repurposed for what ever the towns folk needed. Feldrin lead them inside and up to a meeting room on the second floor. As the group filed in, he motioned for them to take a seat around the meeting table.

"I have heard tale of a group of Gunnards coming through my town." Feldrin said in a stern tone. "I trust that now that you have returned from Fire Watch Island that your business is concluded?"

"Unfortunately not." replied Erme. "As we speak, the undead crew of the Tammeraut are likely making their way here to raid your city."

Feldrin folded his hands in front of his face, taking in this new information. Erme removed Arachais' journal from her carry bag and slid it across the table to Feldrin, who in turn picked it up and read the entries.

"We have returned to help defend your city." Gealyn added. "We have seen the carnage they have wrought at the hermitage."

"We should begin to prepare your defenses and move the women and children to a safe location." Erme said with an insistent tone. "We have little time to prepare."

Feldrin snapped his fingers at a sentry standing by the door to summon him over. The guard came hurriedly over to Feldrin's side. He stood up and addressed his guard;

"Gather the guard. I want someone to remove our non-combatants to the safe house. Open the armory and arm the guard." Feldrin then looked over at Erme. "You and your team will work with out town guards to bolster our defenses. Provide any necessary advice to shore up the city."

Feldrin then looked back at his guard and nodded. The guard took off to carry out his orders and the rest of the party started to get up.

"You may want to go with out non-combatants." Feldrin said to Jenore and Barrett.

Jenore was shaking at the thought of having to be near another attack from these creatures, but she nodded in understanding and started to help Barrett out of his chair and towards the hall.


The sun had now sunken below the horizon. The last of the suns light was dimming as the moon was now high in the night sky. The moons light was rather bright and allowed for a slightly better view that had the sky been darkened by clouds. If the Gods of old had been still around, one might have believed this was a good omen from Saloon, Goddess of the moon.

The last moments of planning were now wrapping up for the citizens of Uskarn. The southern walls had been reinforced with make shift spikes to keep anything form climbing them into the city. Most of the villagers had taken their positions. Members of the guard stalked through the core of the town, with runners to carry messages. Those who were not going to be fighting had been moved to a farming house which lay a fair ways beyond the city walls. 

Gealyn had taken up a defensive position around the court yard in front of the old watch fort that now served as the town hall. He was leaning against the fountain at it's center, playing with his psionic dagger by tossing it up, then catching it's hilt. Erme had setup on a perch on top of one of the old loading cranes at the docks. The position afforded her a great view of the city, the docks and the beach to the south. Plague had wandered over to the east side of the city hall, between the building, the docks and the beach. He was currently engaged in wrapping himself in any seaweed he could grab at the shore, hoping that it would serve as good camouflage. 

Finn found himself down at the Fog and Frog tavern. There, he was surrounded by a group of locals who didn't belong to the town guard, but wanted to fight and defend their city. Behind the bar counter, the establishment's owner, Skeldruff Plenk, busied himself handing out a round of drinks at Finn's request. Skeldruff had just handed out the last Plenk's Plonk when Finn cleared his throat to get everyone's attention. He scanned the room, looking eyes with each member of the group there, and then he began to speak;

"These creatures..." he paused a moment shaking his head somberly, "what they did to that poor man Philibert, they'll do it to you. If we don't rend their bones, they'll come for us here - in your homes!"

Finn began to move amongst the assembled group, his tone growing more sinister. One of the patrons who'd assembled there, Orville Beechgrove, began to strum his lute that he had brought with him while Finn spoke.

"They'll come...stalking you in the night. Ready to sacrifice your children for their monstrous appetite!
They’ll wreak havoc on your village if we let them..." He paused a moment before continuing with a  more noble voice growing louder which each word, "It’s time to take action! It’s time to kill 'em!"

The crowd cheered raising their drinks. Finn carried on, now with a lyrical intensity to his voice and Orville continuing strumming his lute.

"Through the mist, and on the beach. Through the darkness and in the shadows deep. It’s a nightmare, but it’s one exciting ride! Say a prayer, for tonight they die!"

The crowd cheered louder this time.

"Then we’re there, at the edge of the surf, but it won't be us that'll be the serf! They’re monsters with razor sharp teeth! And if we're not careful, their smells will send you underneath!"

The music swelled louder and louder to match Finn's voice.

"Hear them roar - by the shore! We won’t rest 'til they’re no more! Good and dead! From our stead!"

Finn and Orville crescendo together.

"Let us feast! For tonight, we'll kill those beasts!"

Finn then looks everyone square in the eye as he unsheathes and raises his sword.

"Whose with me??"

The group was fanatical as they all cheered together. Each member had grabbed something to use as a make shift weapon. From table legs, to Orville holding his lute, each member of the mob had something to wield. Finn gave them the command to move out and then lead them out of the tavern. Once outside, Finn summons his horse with a short whistle. A moment later, his noble steed rounds a corner and stopped before him at which point he mounted onto it. Addressing the mob and pointing with his sword along the board walk towards the northern wall, Finn commanded them to patrol against anything that might emerge from the waters. Then with a short command and a kick, he lead his horse away to the southern beach to take up his position.


The moon sat high in the sky and there were very few clouds to obstruct it's light. Everyone in Uskarn were goring weary. There had been no sign of an attack, no battle cries. The only noise was the waves crashing onto the shore.

From her perch up on the loading crane, Erme kept a vigilant eye out, looking for any movement. She could see Gealyn down in the town square, leaning against the water fountain at it's center playing with his psionic daggers. Down below her along the stretch of shore that ran along the east side of the town hall was Plague, covered in seaweed trying to lay motionless on the beach, half submerged in the water. Finally out on the southern shore past the town hall, Erme could see Finn atop his steed pacing circles on the sand. Even from this distance, she could see the gleam from his armor as the moon light shone off it.

Erme cast her eyes down to the water below her flowing by the docks. The surface was calm but the water seemed a little murky for being so calm. She squinted her eyes and something sparkled for a second. Then she caught a few more glints and sparkles. It was the pirates! They were moving along the bottom of the water along the docks. In a fluid motion, Erme brought her bow up to a firing position and let an arrow loose towards the group of pirates moving under water. Her first shot landed clean, even with having to go through the water to hit it's target. She then raised the alarm to the others in town;

"Look sharp! Targets in bound moving through the water!"

The alarm bells began to ring across the town. The rest of the party began to scan the water looking for attackers. Gealyn came over to the docks near where Erme's crane was. He could also now see the distorted shapes of the pirates moving along the waters bottom. Summoning his daggers, he began to throw them in the direction of the group. The first dagger missed, but Gealyn was able to readjust his throws and the second dagger hit its mark.

Over on the south shore, Finn stared out towards the water. He heard the alarm klaxons from town which had begun to ring after Erme's warning. It wasn't long after that the water's surface began to move as the first group of attackers came out of the water. At first, three figures emerged as they lumbered onto the shore. They were humanoid in shape, but they were disjointed in places. On one of them, where a hand should be was what looked like a lobster claw. On another, they're whole arm from the shoulder down was a tentacle, like an octopus. All of them seemed covered in seaweed and barnacles. The group of three began to make their way to the city wall behind Finn. Raising his sword, Finn let out a cry and charged into the group.

Finn managed one strike with Veronica before the creature he hit looked up and locked eyes with him for the first time. The dark orbs that were where it's eyes should be looked like a window to the abyss. Finn suddenly found himself frozen in place. He couldn't bring his hand to strike the pirate, nor could he move closer. He realized quickly it had put some kind of charm on him and turned to strike another nearby creature. Meanwhile, Plague began to make his way towards Finn to help. Muttering a spell to himself, he began to glow as the seaweed he'd covered himself with was infused with magical energy.
He only managed a few more paces before another group of three pirates emerged from water right in front of him. Letting out his own battle cry, Plague raised his stick to attack the closest target. However, it managed to dodge the swing and then processed to swat him away with the back of it's hand, knocking Plague to the ground and making the glowing seaweed stop glowing as Plague lost concentration on his spell.

Back on the dock crane, Erme had felled several more targets with Gealyn's help and had contained most of the pirates they could see. She glanced over to the south shore and saw that Finn and Plague were struggling to deal with their groups. She wasn't sure, but unless the water had been playing tricks on her, the six pirates on the south shore looked bigger than the ones she and Gealyn had been making short work off. Calling back to Gealyn, Erme told hm to wrap up this group and that she would be making her way over to help Finn and Plague. Putting her bow over a rope she had secured from the top of the crane over to the roof of the town hall, she ziplined from her first perch on the crane and with a controlled drop and tumble, came to rest on one knee on the top of town hall.

Plague was seeing stars as another back hand from the pirate brute in front of him sent him flying back and landing hard on the sand of the beach. He could just make out that Finn had slain one of the three he was dealing with while grappled with another as the third one began to climb the city wall. Suddenly, Plague felt a thump as one of the three brutes ganging up on him fell to the ground with several arrows sticking out of his body. Looking up, he could see Erme on the top of the wall giving him a reassuring wave as she began to train her bow on her next target.

Finn was locked in a grapple with the first creature that had charmed him. The charm had worn off and he meant to settle the score. He had made shorter work of the last pirate, but this one was tenacious. He tried to not stare into it's eyes as they fought and had caught out of the corner of his vision that the third creature was now climbing the city wall. Then he heard a wail from behind him. Taking the chance to glance back, he saw Plague being ganged up on by three of the creatures and not fairing well. Grunting as he grappled his target, Finn realized he had to go and help his comrade. Breaking off from their stale mate, Finn began to make his way over to Plague. As he drew closer, he saw Erme pop up on the wall behind the town hall and let loose several arrows that all hit their mark and dropped one of the creatures to the ground. Building up his momentum, Finn came in behind with a decapitating strike on another pirate. As the second creatures head went spinning through the air, Plague got his second wind and took his stick and jabbed it into the last creatures groin. Having been caught off guard by it's two companions swift demise, the last pirate didn't see the strike coming and was holding itself in pain as a few arrows and another strike from a broad sword ended it's existence.

Finn then looked back over his shoulder. The two pirates he'd been dealing with were nowhere to be seen. Fearing what might happen if they made it into town and managed to attack anyone, Finn put his steed into a gallop and sped off. 

Plague caught his breath and then began to make his way towards the docks to rejoin Gealyn as there were no other targets on the beach.

Erme dropped off from the wall she had been on and landed on the back patio of the town hall. She then dashed over to the building and began to climb up onto it's roof. She sneaked her way over to the front of the hall and took up a defensive position behind the rampart that ran along the building front wall. She caught a glance of Gealyn finishing up with the last of the group they had been fighting. Looking further down the docks, towards the board walk near the Fog and Frog, Erme could see a group of six towns folk with improvised weapons beating down a group of pirates. She raised an eyebrow and nodded in approval of how well they were handling themselves. The townsmen at the front seemed to be using a lute to bash in the head of the closest pirate.

Suddenly, an arrow whizzed passed Erme's head. Looking back at the direction it came from, she could see that there were two pirates now slightly across the courtyard from her. While the town hall was to the south of the courtyard, one of these pirates was on the roof of the building to the west of the courtyard, while the other was on the ground in front of the building. She shouted a warning to Gealyn just in time for him to dodge and arrow from the pirate on the ground. 

Gealyn heard the shout from Erme and on instinct rolled to his left, feeling something whiz by where he had only been standing a moment ago. Coming around quickly, he spotted his attack on the opposite side of the courtyard form him. With little to no cover between him and the pirate, Gealyn scrambled for the fountain at the center of the square. He managed to jump and roll in behind it as the second shot went whizzing by him. Upon catching his breath, he noticed that another group of pirates was now emerging on the docks near where the crane was that Erme had been doing her watch from. He pointed over in the direction and shouted back to Erme;

"Six! South-east docks!"

Erme glanced over and saw the new group emerging from the water and climbing onto the docks. She turned back to Gealyn and yelled;

"Keep them distracted! I've got the new group!"

Another arrow landed by Gealyn's boot, this time from a higher angle. Peaking around Gealyn could see the shooter from the roof of the building. Sighing, he shook his head and then let loose a psionic dagger towards the pirate on the roof.

Erme lit an arrow and trained her shot towards the new group of six pirates. Then, as she was taking aim, she moved her shot towards a stack of barrels pilled up near the edge of the docks. Squinting and sticking her tongue out slightly on the right side of her mouth, she waited another moment before the pirates on the docks had moved closer to the stack. Then once they were closer, she let her arrow fly.

The arrow sailed through the air and penetrated the middle barrel of the stack. With a blinding flash of light, the barrels erupted and vaporized. In their place, a glowing magical fire now engulfed the docks, blocking the entry into the town square. One of the pirates was badly burned by the explosion and fire. However, their lifeless eyes just looked at the fire, then forwards to the edge of the dock. They began to move again, walking right off the dock and into the water below. Erme realized she had only bought them a few moments before this group made their way out of the water to join the fray. Turing back to the fight in the courtyard, she could see Gealyn had landed a few hits on the two pirates, but both were still fighting. She knocked another arrow and let it loose on the pirate on the roof.

Gealyn saw the pirate on the roof get struck by an arrow and knew Erme was back in the fight. Taking this opportunity, he got up form behind the fountain and dashed over to the pirate on the ground to engage in close quarters combat. As he was dashing up, he could see Plague round the corner from behind the town hall and make his was to the fountain for cover. As Gealyn closed the distance, he noticed that this pirate had a lobster claw instead of a hand on it's one side, the normal hand holding the crossbow. As Gealyn drew close enough, the pirate swung out with it's claw. Gealyn dodged it by dropping to the ground and sliding underneath it, coming up with a dagger to lunge at the creatures chest. The pirate blocked it however with it's crossbow, splintering the weapon in it's hand. Gealyn then got into a grapple with the beast as he blocked it's pincer from trying to take off his head. 

Gealyn and the pirate struggled for a moment before a loud and wet thump landed behind them. Erme had won her duel against the pirate on the roof. Before, however, Gealyn was able to try and capitalize on this, he then heard the galloping of a horse rounding the corner of the street behind the pirate to the north. Looking over the creatures shoulder, Gealyn saw Finn standing on the back of his horse, sword at the ready. As the quickly closed the distance, Finn jumped off and did a summersault, bringing Veronica up in a thrust through the pirates back. As the creature slumped and then fell to the ground, Finn flicked his hair back and said to Gealyn;

"That's twice now in a day. Aren't you glad to have me here?"

Gealyn rolled his eyes and pointed to a group of six pirates coming up the street from the north through the town's arched gate.

"You might want to deal with those first boss before you congratulate yourself."

Finn looked back over his shoulder and spied the on coming group. He looked back at Gealyn with a glint in his eye.

"Watch this. It's going to be a spectacle! " Finn said with a smirk.

Finn whistle for his horse and got back in the saddle and rode off. Gealyn watched as Finn sped down the street going faster and faster. As Finn drew closer, he got up on his feet in the saddle, bending at the knees and using his sword for balance as he held it out behind him. Then, just as he got in range, Finn's horse stopped and Finn leapt off it's back. Tucking into a roll, Finn landed on the ground then spun around using his momentum. He carried that motion through as he beheaded all six of the pirates in one fluid swing. Gealyn was flabbergasted. He had never seen such a display in all his time fighting. The action had been more like watching a dance than a sword fight. His captivation with what he'd just witnessed was broken when there was a sound of stone shattering behind him. Gealyn spun around to see the fountain had taken a hit as Plague was now hiding behind it, placing the fountain between him and the docks.

Erme had also witnessed Finn's incredible 6 head lopping out of the corner of her eye as she kept slinging arrows at the now reemerging pirates from below the docks. She hollered down to Gealyn;

"If you're done being charmed by Finn, would you care to reengage the fight?"

She saw Gealyn nod and move to engage the first of the pirates climbing onto the docks.

Plague was not having a good time. His body hurt all over and he had just scrapped his knee on the stone as he'd taken cover behind this fountain, which was now splashing him with water. He watched as Erme and Gealyn engaged the new group of pirates and he also saw Finn sweep six heads off of a group of pirates near the main entrance of town. Taking a moment to catch his breath, Plague then poked his head out around the corner of the fountain, only to see the hulking form of one of the pirates closing in on him. Wanting to make his own mark on the fight, he gripped his staff and charged out from behind the fountain, eyes closed and yelling as he closed the distance. Just as he was about to get with in striking distance, a stray dagger form Gealyn hit the pirates knee forcing it to bow in front of  Plague. Taking his staff, he ran it through the pirates head and dropped it to the ground.

As Gealyn finished with his current target, he looked around for another. He didn't readily see any until he heard one grunt from behind him. Just as the pirate was about to swing it's clawed hands down on him, it's chest exploded as once again, Veronica came popping out from inside. 

"And that's how you end a fight!" Finn cheered as he removed the blade from it's victim.

Gealyn shook his head.

"Always have to be the finisher eh?" Gealyn jested.

"Always!" Finn said, smirking back and patting Gealyn's shoulder.

Erme joined them, carrying Plague in her arms who was pretending to faint with a hand over his forehead.

"So that's it? We've secured the town?" Erme inquired.

"As far as I can tell." Finn said looking around for any other signs of a fight.

The group then made their way towards the Fog and Frog for a drink.


In Uskarn, the night gives way to morning as Gneegan’s Guards begin to assess the damage caused by the zombie pirate incursion. The battle for Uskarn has been a success! The village has been saved.

Only a single citizen was killed, a young human named Orville Beechgrove. He was killed by zombies in a heroic defense of the boardwalk, a soon-to-be legendary show of defiance by the townsfolk buoyed by the courageous and stirring words of Finn. After having slain two foul zombies, poor Orville succumbed to their onslaught. 

The Treasure Takers attended to their wounds and began to sweep through the town to be sure the invasion had been fully repulsed. By midday, the all-clear was sounded and the townspeople returned from their shelter in the old farmhouse. Had it not been for the Guards, the people of Uskarn would have been slaughtered and Syrgaul’s undead army would have grown larger, posing a greater threat to the other settlements along the coast. A significant victory was had.

Through the afternoon, using sending spells, the team is contacted by Gneegan’s Gnome Security HQ and reports are filed. Gneegan was pleased. 

In the morning, the Treasure Takers are directed to re-supply and proceed back to sea to locate and investigate the Pit of Hatred to confirm presence of the Tammeraut. Once confirmed, the team is directed to secure the site for resource extraction. GGSHQ will dispatch a ship to the environs of Uskarn to assist in recovery and transport any discoveries back to Thafe Tirion. 

The business of a Treasure Taker continues…