Hey everyone! Time for a little update on the hobby side of things. Since my last hobby update, a few projects have been finished and a few more have been started. I'm not painting as fast as I used too, bit of a mix between busy life and less motivation. As you can see in the title picture, I've finished my Warboss. So without further ado, let me share what else's changed!
I've gotten more done with my Eldar scout bikes. The gold armor is done and now I'm working on the cloaks. Once that's done, it'll be onto the blues and the engines.
I have also finished a squad of Chosen for my Alpha Legion. I've really enjoyed painting up these guys. I'll have to figure something out about my heavy weapon squad member as the new rule book has removed his ability to carry his weapon, so I'll have to swap him around for someone else later when I do another squad.
I also finished my Jackal Alpha for my cults. My first biker unit for the cult. I now have my color template for the rest of the Jackals for one day when I get some. Hopefully sooner than later though, as I really had to look at my older paint jobs to try and remember how to paint this army.
I started working on the special release Inquisitor. I'm going to be taking my time with this guy to do as much detail work as I can. It's also not that often that I don't glue the whole model together first so I can get to those hard to reach areas to do the best detail work I can.