From the Work Bench: January 31, 2023


Happy New Year! Thought I would do a quick little post about how my painting is going. I've begun to feel more energized for painting over the past month which is nice as I felt I was starting to suffer hobby burnout. As of today, I have now caught up on my backlog and have added something new to it! This is also a special year for me as it marks 20 years since I started my hobby journey. I think I'm going to do a set of posts which highlight the past 20 years and show off some of the projects I'm most proud of as well as explain some of the stories behind how I came to start collecting the various factions and how I arrived at their color schemes.

First up, here is a look back at all the models I painted over 2022. It was a lighter year as I only completed 148 projects. (91 new models, 46 rebased models, 11 repainted models). Compared to the past 2 years (316 projects in 2021 and 236 projects in 2020) it's been my lowest to date. As of today, I've completed 38 projects for 2023 so we're off to a good start.

I finished up my Shroud Runners just before the end of the year. I'm very happy with how they turned out. That also marks the end of my current Eldar projects.

I recently completed two of my other projects. The first was my new heavy weapons team for my Guard forces. The other being the character model for Rachel in our Styx & Stones DND campaign. I'm missing the final picture for Rachel, but more details were added. The only Character model left to paint is Caravaggio which I will likely be starting next week after I pick him up from our DM.

And now for my new project. With some extra funds from the holidays, I picked myself up a little birthday present. I'm now starting my 16th army, the Leagues of Votann. I picked up the codex a while back as I figured I'd start this army at some point. I also had a color scheme in mind right away. While doing some google image searches, I came across a picture where someone had done these models up in the old Lego Ice Planet color scheme. It was love at first sight and I was settled on this color scheme. This marks the first time I've base coated an army white as well. Normally I go with grey, sometimes black. I'm really loving this new army and finished my first model, the Kâhl, in only two days! Now I have the rest of the Combat Patrol box to work on which gives me 4 new units to paint.

And that's where I'm at currently!

Until next time!